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New Member - Blood Angels


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Hey All!!!


Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself as a new player! I am totally digging the Blood Angels (I have put together a 750 point Jump Pack army) so far, and am really enjoying myself. I find that I am not bad at painting (not great) and that I enjoy the modeling way more than I expected. This is a welcome relief! hehe. I have a small group of friends that are interested in WH40k, all of us with different armies (Dark Eldar, Necron, Eldar, Space Wolves, Chaos Daemons, and myself).


I am looking forward to being part of the community!


~ Jakbal

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1) Thin your paints. If I did this from day one my first army would look half decent instead of getting a fairy power spray bath I've now decided to (finally) do. Many thin layers is MUCH better than one thick one.


2) Undercoating white is only useful for bright paintjobs. If you are not doing a bright paintjob, prime them with grey or black.


3) If you need instant black crevices, use a 005 black micropen. Also useful for script on scrolls and parchment.


Modelling-wise (I feel I have to say this as I have now started to do it) magnets are awesome they allow models versatility which they never have otherwise. Seriously look into trying this out as soon as you feel comfortable.

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I just started using magnets ... and I LOVE THEM. They make everything easier ... although I did goof up and put an arm magnet in the wrong way. I came up with a system afterward, though, so that won't be happening again. Surprised me how hard getting out a glued magnet was; almost destroyed the arm trying to do so (I got it, though)!


Thinning paints is tough on me. I understand why to do it, but covering dark colors with thinned blood red takes forever! I have some messy gun bolt metal that I need to cover with red, and it isn't going very well for me. I find myself covering the gun bolt metal with white then red to cover it. I'm sure that I can do this a better way.


I feel live every time I put brush to a model I get better.

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