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The Stormraven


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Ok now I have some mixed emotions about our very big and flashy Stormraven. Personally I love the way it looks, love seeing it on the table top and how it plays......most times. My big problem is it doesn't seem to live for too long. So I wanted to ask all my BA brothers out there what is your opinion on it? Is it worth bringing? Should it always be brought in 2s? Idk lol so please any opinions or advice any would be awesome! Thank you brothers
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Personally, it all depends on how many point I have to work with and what army I'm going against. In apoc games I try to take it as often as I can. It's a great way to deliver some DC and a DC Dread right up on your enemy. I'd play around with various lists and go through some trial and error, that's the way I did it. Just be ready to draw a metric 4th point of contact ton of anti-armor fire if you field one.
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I wouldn't take it in a game under 1500pts. I wouldn't be entirely comfortable fielding one unless the game were 1750... I might field two at 1850 or 2000.


I usually only field one in matches over 2000 points. There are far more shiny things to take that don't eat up the points one costs, but like I said in apoc... oh yeah, they're fun. Mine usually has a bit more survivability in apoc due to the various super-heavies and titans on the table, not many really notice the little Stormraven in among all the other pain.

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They are a great unit, but I'm not sure they are worth the points in a COMPETATIVE environment. Massed Str8+ firepower really ruins their day and there is so much of it around these days. Grey nights with there psynaughts, long fangs, BA fast preds, dark lances and hive guard just to name a few.


If you take one or two in a list you really have to build the entire list around it. A smart well equipped opponent will take them out fast and because of the point cost you will be at a disadvantage.


Fortunately for me one of my most regular opponents plays chaos demons and there lack of long range firepower and mobility makes it really hard for them to take out a storm raven. So I have had a lot of success with one against them. However against your usual top tier lists I think they struggle.


That said I still own 2 and even if you loose the game there is nothing more satisfying then Setting up a multi charge with death company, lemartes and a furioso thanks to the mobility of the storm raven. The look on your opponents face is priceless when his favorite hammer unit gets...... Hammered!

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I would never do them in singles as they work in pairs. They are great unit if you build list around them, especially thanks to 24" move (4++) and their Machine spirit.


In my list i use them as personal ride for the master of cheese, lord of dead, mephiston and his personal furiouso dread while in the second i have termies with libby and priest (List should be somwhere around).


Ussually, one of the ravens will fall T1, but there is still 2nd one and either vindie or t1 Drop podded MM/HF dread in my opponents face. Therefore i force him to pick either to shoot at SR's or vindie/dread ( sometimes he manages to take both ;) )


As far the point range goes, they are most effective at 1750-1850, but they work at 1500, 2000 as well, however at higher games they start to loose the edge.


Moreover, i am able to compete with almost any build out there, thanks to fast CC delivery. So far its my most favorite unit / list :P ( i have almost any BA build, besides razor cheese).


Hope it helps




Ps. Sorry for typos...iphone

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I have an SR in all my lists and I LOVE it. If anything I've become a little reliant on it for getting my DC and DCD into charge range. I heading to the April Thone of Skulls (1,500 points) and I'm very aware I need to bring some longer range fire power to my list. The only thing I can really afford to drop/change is the SR and the configuration of the DC, I just cant bring myself to leave it behind!


Last four games it's survived at least the first three turns. They can be a fire magnet but you have to look to make other things a priority for your opponent. Things like refusing a flank and leaving some of their (more spread out) fire power out of range or on the other side of a building helps eliminate some threats. Give one (or two in a big game) a try and experiment a little.

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Oh wow. Thanks guys on all the feedback so quick :P

Now I personally own one and have fielded it a few times but lately it's been fighting dust instead of chaos(opponent I play against a lot :)) because like I said it doesn't last too long. Do you have to play aggressive with it? Should I leave in reserve for at least the first turn? And what is everyone's thoughts on DEep striking it? I've always been too afraid to do it lol

Btw I play mostly a heavy DoA list. Lots of Jumpers and usually one or 2 Baals.

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I got one for myself around Christmas and I have to say I've been pleased. So far it has been fairly survivable against Orks, Tau, and Khorne-centric CSM with some Oblitz.


I run mine in a list with a drop pod MM/DCCW dread, a Libby dread, two razorbacks, 2 attack bikes, a little sniper/ML scout squad, and I throw my reclusiarch, 5 or 6 DC, and a DC dread in the Raven and it is deadly every game. And when it's not deadly it's drawing lots of fire. I tend to move it flat out most turns to get that 4++ save, but when I can't, because I'm unloading my psychos for instance, the Libby dread is there with shield for the 5++.


Granted, these aren't the most up-to-date codices I've faced - I've yet to play this list against my bud's space puppies, hopefully we can set up a match this month, but I expect that to be tight, we always play each other very tight.


The key to keeping the bird survivable is to be providing lots of threats to the enemy. A turn one drop pod dread just can't be ignored.


I also tend to reserve it if I don't get first turn, to deny the enemy a free turn at firing at it. The 24" threat range from the table edge is plenty flexible. And I've yet to try a deep strike with it, I just can't see the need, and I've never felt it to be worth the risk of a mishap with it's big footprint.

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I like my triple raven list. It's actually won many a local tourney for me. I run two with Twin-Linked Lascannons and typhoon Missile launchers and one with twin-linked assault cannon, multi melta and hurricane bolters. First turn I use the power of the machine spirit with both of the ranged ravens to try and hit a heavy vehicle or MC with the twin linked lascannons and then go nuts with the 6 str 8 shots i have at another vehicle(normally transport). the third raven I just turbo boost up with a yummy CC unit inside with a mean old quizinart(blood talons) dreadnought. usually I play at 2.5k + so I can also fit in some typhoon landspeeders and vindicators as well. sometimes some scouts. regardless, the triple raven list is by far one of the most F-U lists I've come accross with the BA's, well that and the 6 Landraider list(which is also stupid fun to play)
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I have one built and painted but rarely use it. I keep meaning to build and paint my second one but not yet gor round to it. When I do, I will play both as often as points permit.


I'm in the exact same situation, except my first one is only half painted. The second one is still in the box. I'm putting that together and painting it for my LPC vow.

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I have one built and painted but rarely use it. I keep meaning to build and paint my second one but not yet gor round to it. When I do, I will play both as often as points permit.


I'm in the exact same situation, except my first one is only half painted. The second one is still in the box. I'm putting that together and painting it for my LPC vow.


I've had a bit of a push on my unpainted stuff now and after finishing my 2nd Baal Predator this weekend I will only have a drop pod, 2 attack bikes and the stormraven to go. I've got a 2000 point game next week and the dual Stormravens would be ideal for that but no chance that it will be done in time :unsure:

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Deployment and thing you need to judge what you're facing. Against my regular opponents I can usually deploy on the table (GK psycannons are nasty but I'm safe from their 24" range first turn and Tyranids aren't much more of a shooting threat). Against other armies I'll often reserve and move on using any cover and at full speed to get my 4+ cover.


I'm pretty aggressive with mine - it's main threat is that it's full of DC and the DCD. After that it's less of a worry and is often given a little less attention. It's still worth keeping it moving and remembering what it's main threats are.


I've only ever deep striked (that's not a word is it?) it in an Apc game where I knew there was space. 630 points when fully loaded is too much for me to risk that mishap.

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Personally I run three of them at 1500 in a full DC list, accompanied by three squads of eight, Astorath and a single DC Dread with talons.


I thought I'd be drawing an awful lot of games because our DC can't hold objectives but so far I've lost one, drawn two and won ten all against a range of different foes but the majority off opponents have had a respectable amount of anti-armour weapons.


First turn helps or I just deploy them in a best cover as the table offers if I'm going second but I absolutely swear by them.

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Short Answer: Yes, it is worth the points.


Long Answer: When fielding a Storm Raven, treat it like a Land Raider. How will it deploy? Where will it deploy? What will it transport? What will it shoot at?


The Storm Raven is similar to a Land Raider simply because they both cost a similar amount of points, have a similar amount of firepower, and is a transport. There are differences- AV, speed, SR can carry a Dread... remarkably enough, they both have similar roles within an army, Fire Support and Troop Transport.


A Storm Raven will not fit into all lists. I.e., Razorspam has no place for it, and DOA has no place for it. If you are playing a more conventional, all around style list, then a Storm Raven and Land Raider can definitely be worked into a list.


From my personal experience, two Storm Ravens are the sweet spot. Forces your opponent to split firepower, gives you different attack vectors, twice the firepower, etc. etc. Yes, it's expensive, but it comes down to the fact that you are flying a very large target with AV 12 around on the table. Difficult/impossible to hide/get cover and until it drops it's cargo off, it's gotta work pretty close to the front lines (or you can have it sit back and do fire support, then swoop in and drop cargo off to clean up...).


A Land Raider has a bit more survivability, but only just as it's a bit more vulnerable to close combat and close range attacks (P-fists, T-Hammer, Melta/Lance weapons). That's for another topic.



Yes, it's worth it's points.


Field them in pairs.


Consider taking a Land Raider.

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I like my triple raven list. It's actually won many a local tourney for me. I run two with Twin-Linked Lascannons and typhoon Missile launchers and one with twin-linked assault cannon, multi melta and hurricane bolters. First turn I use the power of the machine spirit with both of the ranged ravens to try and hit a heavy vehicle or MC with the twin linked lascannons and then go nuts with the 6 str 8 shots i have at another vehicle(normally transport). the third raven I just turbo boost up with a yummy CC unit inside with a mean old quizinart(blood talons) dreadnought. usually I play at 2.5k + so I can also fit in some typhoon landspeeders and vindicators as well. sometimes some scouts. regardless, the triple raven list is by far one of the most F-U lists I've come accross with the BA's, well that and the 6 Landraider list(which is also stupid fun to play)


I envy you for having the disposable income to afford three storm ravens and six land raiders.

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Emperor's Instrument Posted Today, 10:56 AM


QUOTE (knife&fork @ Feb 20 2012, 09:51 AM) *

Storm ravens and sanguinary guard go together well. They compliment each other without being depending on the other to work.


I belive there's a regular here with a tri raven SG list?



Do you remember what points level this is played at?


It can be done at 1750.






2xSP (JP,PW)



3xSG (IP,PF)(one with banner)



3x SR (ExA, w.ever)


But i dont think that list would do much ...

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Storm ravens and sanguinary guard go together well. They compliment each other without being depending on the other to work.


I belive there's a regular here with a tri raven SG list?


Do you remember what points level this is played at?



However, due to the cost of the basic components (1425 pts without any upgrades) I can't imagine it would work below 1750 and probably best as a 2k list.

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A double Storm Raven list was my regular list for months at 1850 and had great success with them.


Last week I came third at a tournament at 1000pts.


The rules was that there is no duplication in any unit.


The list I took was this:



10 Death Company w/ 2 PW's, 1 Fist, Lemartes

Death company Dread w/ Talons.

Storm raven w/ EA,MM,AC.


Total 995


Lovingly entitled the Funwagon by myself and my gaming group.


Lost the first game 19-1, won second game 20-0, won the third game 20-0, won the fourth game 20-0 and drew the last game 10-10.


Storm Ravens are great.

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well i ran one a while ago in a list where it actually had the highest AV on the table <_<


so in that case...no. might as well have thrown a flaming pile of poo at my opponents. would have gotten the same result. if resulting in a somewhat smelier aftermath ;)


paired up with other units and/or as a pair of ravens? can most defenitly work. and even on its own there were times when i was able to deliver my cargo where it was needed. as it generally wasent an interesting target anymore after it dropped its cargo :D

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