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Biker Command Squads and Dedicated Transports?

Captain Denaro

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Just had a thought whilst putting together a new list - can a C:SM Command Squad still take a dedicated transport even if it is riding bikes? The unit entry simply says "May select a Drop Pod, Rhino or a Razorback". Obviously they won't be able to ride in it but I was thinking it might be a good way to get an unmanned deathwind pod on to the table.
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it might be a good way to get an unmanned deathwind pod on to the table.

Or a Rhino or Razorback for a unit that can't normally purchase them- or so you can put a Combat Squad in this Rhino/Razor, while the other half of the unit rides the Rhino/Razor bought as a dedicated transport.


But, aye, as dswanick says, buying bikes doesn't prevent them from buying a transport. And as you say, mounted on bikes they cannot embark the transport.

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