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Build Me An Army Worthy of Tizca

Crimson Hawk

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I've heard complaints on this forum that " the codex isn't fair on the Sons" and the like. So, to challenge that notion, I've set up a little challenge- build a 1500pnt Thousand Sons army to beat the following GK army list, then explain how you would beat it, in practice. Restrictions detailed below.


Castellan Crowe


Ordo Xenos Inqisitor-Rad & Psycotroke Grenades



Henchmen Warband- 2 Crusaders, 3 Death Cult Assasain

Razorback with Twin-linked Assault Cannon & Psybolt Ammo


Vindicare Assasain



Purifier Squad-2 Psycannons, 3 Halberds (times 3)

Razorback- Assault Cannons, Psybolts(times 3)


Fast Attack

Interceptor Squad-Psycannon, Halberd


Heavy Support

3 Psyfleman Dreadnoughts


So, no Nurgle, Slaneesh or Khorne marked units, no CSM squads, all units must take Mark of Tzeench. Let's beat the net list!

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1500pnt Thousand Sons army

What's that?


Now we're already on the track to failure.





Seriously, here's the best I can do since Oblits or chosen/termicide without MoT are not an option. I'm kicking myself in the foot for even bringing monstrous creatures in the first place at this point, but they serve a purpose here: To keep the dreads shooting at them instead of the havocs.


DP- Wings, MoT

DP- Wings, MoT

7 Tsons- Rhino, Doombolt

7 Tsons- Rhino, Wind of Chaos

8 Havocs- MoT, Autocannon x4

7 Havocs- MoT, Autocannon x4

7 Havocs- MoT, Autocannon x4



Sit back on deployment line and shoot dreads first, then razorbacks, bag a unit of disembarked GKs with Wind of Chaos as they approach, followed by demon prince charges. If the enemy deploys in a way to approach you (with 30" assault cannon threat via the razorbacks, he will have to), just deep strike the princes near the dreads and weather a turn of shooting. It may be wise to DS a prince between the vindicare and a dread so if the autocannons fail to kill the dread, the prince can slaughter the assassin next turn in CC. It's imperative that the dreads are focus'd down with autocannon fire to ensure at least a Destroyed result. Hopefully in your 2nd turn, each havoc squad can shoot at 3 seperate razorbacks, and getting at least an immobile result. If 2+ razorbacks are immobile and the dreads stop shooting, it will be a Tsons win. In this list, Thousand Sons only exist to keep power armored models away from the havocs.


If it's objectives, apply the above and stick to the closest objectives, keeping the princes in/near his deployment zone/home objectives.


If I play 1500 anyways, and usually I refuse this points level, I'm already using this (and with great effect against purifier/dread lists:

Sorcerer- Doombolt, Personal Icon

7 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

7 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

6 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

9 Oblits.

1500pnt Thousand Sons army

What's that?


Now we're already on the track to failure.


If I play 1500 anyways, and usually I refuse this points level, I'm already using this (and with great effect against purifier/dread lists:

Sorcerer- Doombolt, Personal Icon

7 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

7 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

6 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino

9 Oblits.




1500pts is really bad for Thousand Sons but rubrics and obliterators is the way I would go.

5 outflanking Chosen w/ meltaguns, to take out the 3 dreads


Sure, but what if the dreads are not near the table edges?


Havocs are superior if no Oblits are allowed (though I do play one squad of 5 melta gun chosen at 2000pts levels!)


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