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A little help on CSM models


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Hello there;


After years playing with Black Templars, I've decided to start a second army, and I want it to be of CSM.


I haven't yet decided with "chapter", legion or warband will I choose, but I'm between the 1,000 sons, Emperor's Children and Word Bearers.


My question is regarding available models. Are there different boxes of CSM for the different "cults"? I've seen there are Berserkers and Plague Marines, but I don't know if it also applies to every different cult and how many different boxes of CSM there are.


Provided that, which should be my first acquisitions? a CSM batallion is worth? Should I wait since apparently CSM could be in the 6th ed start box or be renewed after its lauching?


Thanks in advance for your help! - can't call you brothers, yet, you filthy heretic scum :blink:

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welcome to the dark side :)


cult troops all have thier own individual models, whereas CSM come with a standard box that you paint (and use bits) to reprisent whichever warband your going for.

i highly recommend word bearers btw.


as far as the batallion goes, i dont think youll be passed over with new edition, base troops dont really change.

best to get them now, before they are repackaged with less models at a higher price

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I do like the word bearers, since they are also fanatic zealots, just like BT :) it would be like the reverse side of the same coin... (what a heresy I'm writing, if my chaplain discovers me he will smash his crozium on my temple)

I also like their colour scheme (just checked out your WIP, they look greeat), and I could use regular CSM to build them, no?


mmm, BT could slip into Khorne devoutes since we do love charging to spill blood and rip out our enemies with chainsword, but I don't really like the berserkers...

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and I could use regular CSM to build them, no?



all my CSM are second hand models, i didnt have to do anything with them, only paint them WB colours (same principle as SM tac marines i guess)


if my chaplain discovers me he will smash his crozium on my temple

:) less 'black templars', more 'bruised temples'

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Go for Word Bearers! I'm in the process of doing the reverse, I have WBs and I found some of my old Templars!


I think both armies complement each other, in some heretical way :tu:


I just bought the battleforce, a termi lord, a box of termis and a prince daemon. The only think that would not fit would be the berserkers, but I can always sell or trade them...

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Nah keep the beserkers bro! I think the Word Bearers have a small cult of Khorne devotees or something I'm sure I've read that elsewhere on B&C and it'll give your troops choices variety. Just be sure to paint them dark red with silver trim like the rest of your WB. Oh, and welcome to the eye of terror!



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Nah keep the beserkers bro! I think the Word Bearers have a small cult of Khorne devotees or something I'm sure I've read that elsewhere on B&C and it'll give your troops choices variety. Just be sure to paint them dark red with silver trim like the rest of your WB. Oh, and welcome to the eye of terror!




OK! thanx for the advice. I also would like to add a sorcerer, since I like the thousand sons. Would it be fluffwise to count with a wizard in a WB army?


And thanx for the welcome, you [filthy traitor] bro -ehem- i think i'm gonna end up with a dual personality :P

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Provided that, which should be my first acquisitions? a CSM batallion is worth? Should I wait since apparently CSM could be in the 6th ed start box or be renewed after its lauching?
Personally I'd stay off the Batallion and just buy 3-4 boxes of bog standard CSM, some greenstuff, and then start hunting for bits on various bits sites.


Because new edition or not, you will still need basic CSM, and once the core units of your army is ready you can always add HQ models, new plastic kits/units, vehicles, etc.



My 2 Kraks

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Nah keep the beserkers bro! I think the Word Bearers have a small cult of Khorne devotees or something I'm sure I've read that elsewhere on B&C and it'll give your troops choices variety. Just be sure to paint them dark red with silver trim like the rest of your WB. Oh, and welcome to the eye of terror!




The Sanctified are Khorne worshippers. They used to be Word Bearers, but split off. They have a black helm and arms, with shoulder pads and the rest being ordinary word bearers scheme. Plus khorne symbols. That's according to forge worlds siege of vraks books. Scheme is slightly different in the codex.

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Yeah in the Codex they have a brighter red an GW used to have a "Make your own warband" thingamajig that used them as an example and said that they used to be a missionary branch of the Word Bearers and gave the Impression that they were Undivided.
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Yeah. Word bearer fluff confuses me in that they seem to be focused on worshipping all of the chaos gods to the point of not wanting favor from any single god. B/c that's all the marks are, just the favor of a particular god. In polytheism you still have individual patron gods that are primarily worshiped due to calling or personal preference, so I fail to see why word bearers would no have close combat specialists who follow khorne as their patron, but worship all the gods at least nominally, and therefore still be able to be khorne berserkers.


As a khorne fan, in argument of siding with him, in addition to loving close combat, direct confrontation, and for the most part eschewing range, both khorne and the black Templar hate dirty psyker witches

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because the gods are real in w40k . and worship is a real thing . If you were a follower of mitra , but still did the offerings for other city/state/guild/unit gods , nothing happened. Ask yourself what khorn does to you when you are his[because a worshiper isnt free anymore] , but still go on the weekends to worship other gods . Spawndom incoming.
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Yeah in the Codex they have a brighter red an GW used to have a "Make your own warband" thingamajig that used them as an example and said that they used to be a missionary branch of the Word Bearers and gave the Impression that they were Undivided.


Yeah I read that. I like the codex scheme to be honest. Might combine the two. Hmmmm.


Khorne Berserkers are all out Khorne worshippers, what you get when you spend a lifetime and then some worshipping khorne only. The word bearers might use an icon of a god for a battle for their favour, but they wouldn't fixate on one god. They spend hours in devotional prayer to the pantheon as a whole as per Lorgar/Erebus/Kor Phareon's instructions, so mono theism doesn't work for them really.

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I guess, if there's a cool story behind them, there's no reason he couldn't have a mono god word bearers force. Something like the Sanctified, so a splinter of the original legion, maybe just a chapter... I always liked the idea of Tzeentchian Word Bearers myself. Religious devotion to the obtaining of all knowledge. Hmmmm. Off I go down a tangent...
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thank you all for your replies.


I've made up my mind, and I'll go for the Word Bearers. In the fluff apparently they are the unique chaotic legion to go on employing chaplains, dark apostles... A couple of questions here:


I assume I'll have to convert a "regular" chaplain into a renegade one, since there are no specific models (there is no specific WB character, is it?).


And for gamimg purposes, how would you treat a dark apostle? just like a regular paladin?


Thanks again! :tu:

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I've seen a few nicely converted loyalist to Word Bearers Dark Apostles, but an easier route is to source chaos bits, and build from there. Paint wise, they can be either black or red, but they all have the Legion icononography on their shoulder pads.


The only real option in the current codex is a Lord with Daemon Weapon/power weapon (Counts as Accursed Crozius), although I have seen Sorcerors used. Lots of people add the Mark of Tzeentch to represent the 4+ save the Crozius gave in the last codex, but personally I wouldn't bother.


Another option is to have your warband lead by a Daemon Prince and actually represent the Dark Apostle as an Aspiring Champion with a power weapon.


Just my two kraks <_<

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I have a TDA Dark Apostle and one in power armour. The one in TDA, which I use the most, is based on a metal Grey Knight, but has been extensively converted. My power armour one is entirely plastic, based mostly on the standard CSM plastic kit.

I have also seen some really nice ones based on Chaplain models, but the thing all these models have in common is some sort of mace that makes you think, 'Accursed crosium', and either a bare head, or a skull helm to give that chaplain vibe.


So if you just find something to use as weapon (I used the small 8-pointed chaos stars from the CSM sprue), and a skull helm or a nice helmet-less head (I really like some of the ones from the fantasy flagellant box), all that is left is a marine body and you are good to go. :D

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ok, thanks for your help! I think I'll buy a regular chaplain and convert him, basically the accursed crozium. I don't really like helmetless heads in 40K, since they apparently fight in the space or hostile environments, why should you remove your head? to receive a hit in your face? ;) well, it's just a little mania of mine :D


thanks again for your comments and ad-vice! lol

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ok, thanks for your help! I think I'll buy a regular chaplain and convert him, basically the accursed crozium. I don't really like helmetless heads in 40K, since they apparently fight in the space or hostile environments, why should you remove your head? to receive a hit in your face? ;) well, it's just a little mania of mine :)


thanks again for your comments and ad-vice! lol


Your senses are better with the helmet off than with the helmet on... You are doing it as an inspirational things for your men or to show the enemy your contempt... Ever noticed how many historical armies (and no doubt some present ones...) have given their leaders (at different levels...) funky hats/helmetsthat are less practical than the standard version or maybe totally impractical and providing no real benefit at all.

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