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Many Headed Hydra

Centurion Tom

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Hi everyone


After bumping around a few projects I have decided to make a concentrated effort to stick to one thing. After flirting with a few different legions I have settled with the 20th legion. Here was a prototype and the first of my little cell. Sorry for the photos, the model is a bit lighter in color irl, however when I used flash the green highlights lit up and made him look like he was attending a rave.






I have still a bit of work to do on him, tidying up some of the green highlighting, and I'm thinking of adding glowing effect to the eyes.

I want to use a mix of loyalist and renegade parts to represent the nature of the Alpha Legion, although I plan to use more Chaos bits in the future. I will be staying clear of mass spikes and horns however. I'm going to stick to building normal marines initially but I have a great idea for a sorcerer (the parts for whom I have just ordered), and chosen who will wait till I have a couple of squads. Plus I like the idea of count as obliterator weapon teams I have seen on here.


Here's a WIP of the second marine I built today:



As for fluff I have been thinking that the warband is on a mission set during the end of the great crusade/heresy, which they have been working to achieve over the last 10k years. I've always wanted to model some Dark Mechanicus so I'm thinking they will be involved, and I also have some ideas for traitor guardsmen (which I'm hoping will become an option in a new codex). The idea is that the force the invasion force, and I'm thinking they are a combination of a few warbands from the split up grand company that have been brought back together by the original grand company captain. This way I can have a variation of corruptness/style within the force. That's the idea anyway.


Any way let me know what you think.

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Oh the conversion detail.. and the freehand. Wow.


I like the ideas of different levels of corruption within the warband, since it would be composed of different people who are from the same Legion for the most part but share different tactics/beliefs/personalities. I also have a thing for a warband on a mission for 10k years. It's similar to the space puppies and how they keep following the mission to destroy the Thousand Sons even after they lost count of years. Super cool.


The poses are amazing, I am particularly fond of Space Marines who are just standing there instead of doing the bowlegged squat and holding a bolter in two hands while looking to the side.

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I used the shoulder pads as they were the ones from GW and I presumed they were gospel. It wasnt till I had made the first guy and started to research the legion a bit more did I realise they may be a bit off. If Forge world ever do a version I may replace them.
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It's fine, as i say, it really is just a personal dislike on my part. I think they work nice on a current timeline alpha force but not so much when we're talking pre heresy. I just find it odd that they sculpted a shoulder pad of something that is nothing close to the established symbol. It'd be like making imperial fist ones that just displayed a single knuckle.


That being said, i've seen plenty of pre heresy armies that use them and i have been known to be wrong (frequently so ;)). Can;t wait to see more.

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