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Sang guard army needs expanding


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I haven’t deployed my Sang guard army in over a year. However I gave decide it is time to redeploy and expand.


My army is built around aesthetics as much as table top capability. As such I have no powerfists/thunderhammers and my lightning claws are modelled as spears.


My model count at the moment are (all with jump packs)



Librarian force axe and bolt pistol

2 priests with power sword and hand flamer

Priest with power sowrd and bolt pistol

7 Sang guard

Sang guard with infrno pistol and banner

Sang guard with banner

2 Sang guard with inferno pistols

2 sang guard with plasma pistols

Vanguard Vet sergeant with glaive and storm shield

4 Vanguard vets with lightning claws and storm shields

Storm raven with multi melta, assault cannon, hurricane bolter


My two plans for expansion are:


Honour guard (modelled as angel exemplar) with two meltas and two plasma for anti heavy, and possible a lightning claw (spear) each.


Death company (modelled as “fallen” angels) for a whatever mission. Since they are no longer divine and beautiful they can use power fists and thunder hammers.


So which is best for expansion for a DoA army?

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My Sang giuard are white with gold wings


The death company version wold be a dark grey/black with dark red wings.


not sure how I would do honour guard, though for both death company and honour guard I am tempted with adding in robed bodies

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