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OH! Captain, my Captain.


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So my friends and I are embarking on a sort of campaign next month. Here is the catch: 1500 limit and you have to take an HQ that is the equivalent of a Space Marine Captain (Wolf Lord, Commissar, Necron Overlord etc...). No Psychers, Chaplains, Priests, and no named characters are allowed for the entire campaign that we hope to keep going for at least two months, playing weekly.


My question for you all here is this: If you where in this situation, how would you equip your Captain?? And why??


I would take a Captain with twin Lightning Claws, Jumper, and Melta Bombs. High initiative and lots of power weapon attacks is sure to eat up some troops. I would most likely put him with the RAS.


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1500pts no specials.... [processing]......[more processing]....[conclusion]...


answer = captain with - inferno pistol,power weapon and jump pack

or - bolt pistol,power weapon,melta bombs and jump pack.


if you can only have a vanilla captain then i would put him in with an Assault squad and maybe a sang priest :o


cheers, Mithril

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I have a similar game going on, except our group is required to choose one generic HQ, not restricting it to a single type of model as that favors some codecies over others.. for instance, BA Captains being particularly weak when compared to others. My HQ is a Reclusiarch.

However, if forced to (and I have a model for him) I would also go with a JP captain w/ lightning claws and a MB. I'd probably put him with an assault squad, however, as DC are kill enough already.

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While it heavily depends on your army list, I would say that generally Cap with twin LC, JP and MB is the way to go. He looks cool and will aid the assault squad he's attached to. The other variants might be a jumpy cap with storm bolted and a power fist OR infernus pistol and a power weapon.

However, if you ran a mechanized list, choosing the right loadout for a captain might be difficult (tycho beats him anyway :o ) but in this case I'd suggest combi-melta and a power fist..

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Myself, I will be running him in a DOA centric list. So he will join a 10 man RAS with 2x melta and Sergeant Power Fist.


If I took him in a mech list, I would go with your load out Gv0zD. It harkens back to the standard WG unit most SW players put in with their Grey Hunters. Albeit, this is one expensive Wolf Guard!! :o


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I've yet to play with a Captain since the BA Librarian and Chaplain are so good, but if I did I'd agree that the JP w/ dual lightning claw or JP with Infernus pistol/power weapon would be the way I run them. I pretty much always play DoA lists and I think they fit great in that style of play but are ju7st outshined by other options.
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For no good reason, I've been running captains a lot lately. Here's a few load outs I like....


-TH and SS. Get the improved invul with shield and kill anything with the hammer. Great with HG with chapter banner. A JP is a nice option here, but puts a lot of points on just one guy.


-2 LC and JP. The captain runs around with a RAS and kills infantry threats before they get the jump on your guys.


-PW AND SS. Cheaper than TH and SS captain but lacks anti-armor option. Maybe give melt a bombs


-stock termi captain. Place in a SS and TH termi squad for options

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i'd go with some elite chaplains! But yes- twin lightning claws and jump pack on the captain.

I see what you did there!! Clever.


Does anybody have any thought on putting a Captain in TDA?? I see that it is inferior to a jumpy cap'n, but I suppose he could be good fun in a termi squad...


Emperor's Immortal: How would you equip the HG?? 5xMelta?? I like this idea, as I am currently running a Mech list at 1500 (not for this side tourney, mind you.) and have been thinking something along these lines would be quite good.


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i like the TH+SS option but my IC's always die to the first PF attack that gets thrown their way, SS or not ^_^ only way around it is placing the models in the unit in such a way that the PF cant reach him in the first round of combat...


speaking of which, do the bits even excist to convert that model? were awfully low on the special close combat weapons fit for power armour....

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