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Dread CC pile-in question


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Interesting situation last game . . . one unit of wolf scouts in combat with 3 dreads. Dreads #1 (leftmost) and #3 (rightmost) are immobilized while #2 (near #1) is not. The (riflemen) dreads eventually kill enough scouts to bring their # down to 2 (wolf player keeps the two in btb with dread #3 alive). (Os are dreads, Xs are scouts).



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Dreads # 1 and 2 are now without anyone in btb. Dread #2 will pile-in, but dread #1 cannot b/c he is immobilized and will thus become 'unlocked from combat'.


My question surrounds the space wolf player - can he (or must he) move one of his scouts that is in btb with dread 3 to btb with dread 1 during the pile-in/consoldation phase. The brb never says that one can not leave btb, only that one must ensure max combat participation by following XYZ steps in the attackers assault and defenders react 'checklist'. I don't have the brb with me at work, but when the situation came up, it seemed ok with RAW to move a scout from btb with dread 3 to btb with dread 1, and it was definitely IAW RAI (max. models in combat from both sides). Was this legal, and if so, was this required or optional from the wolf players perspective? What are your thoughts,



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