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Night Lords and the Dark Gods...

Lord Kallozar

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Hi everyone. Recently i have had a massive draw towards night lords (funnily enough it has nothing to do with any of the NL novels, ive not even read them), i love their fluff about terrorising and scaring their victims and enemies to death, but theres only one thing that puts me off a bit - there worship, or lack of it. I like the daemon looking armour and all the spikes and chains and use of daemons etc but thats not very Night Lord-ish. Has their been accounts of Night Lords that "worship" the gods? Or not even worship but acknowledge the gods and use them to gain favour/power?
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There are always some members of certain legions that are considered outcasts and do things their legion brothers wouldn't accept. There are quite a few examples of this in the Siege of Vraks campaign so I've heard. Maybe someone else can help me out a bit here?

Yeah i see what you mean. i think i worded it wrong to be honest, its not exactly there lack of worship, its more like do they acknowledge the dark gods and use the gods as a tool? and do they utilise the daemon aspects of the gods to enhance their power and gain favour?

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Hi everyone. Recently i have had a massive draw towards night lords (funnily enough it has nothing to do with any of the NL novels, ive not even read them), i love their fluff about terrorising and scaring their victims and enemies to death, but theres only one thing that puts me off a bit - there worship, or lack of it. I like the daemon looking armour and all the spikes and chains and use of daemons etc but thats not very Night Lord-ish. Has their been accounts of Night Lords that "worship" the gods? Or not even worship but acknowledge the gods and use them to gain favour/power?


There is no problems with the bolded part above. In fact, they seems to decorate a lot with spikes, skulls and chains, even striping ppl from their skins, hanging skinnless corpses and sticking some bloody things on their armor. Isn't it nice to put in situation a prey ?


For the daemon part, there is always some individuals (and groups) not following the general consensus of their original Legion. You are free on the subject too. Isn't it great to play Chaos ? Just a reminder, those gentle space marines, exterminated half a planet's population (it's said to be close to earth), draw some chaotic signs with the victim's corpses to invoke Daemonettes which in turn ate the remaining population.


But there is one thing you should really remember. You don't need to worship/trust/pray gods for them to belong to their plans... neither to get some "gifts".

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I always got the impression that with the fragmentation of the legion some would have turned to the dark gods. Your particular Warband could be full on worshipers of the gods, or have dedicated to one in particular. Or they could reject the gods, or see them as a means to an end. Or your Warband could be a mixture of all three.


The NL are very spiky though. I'm thinking of including a small contingent to my Alphas just so I can use up some spike from the sprues.

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The Night Lords will often employ daemonic or chaotic means to achieve their goals. It is the entire devotion and faith thing they object to. They have no problem summoning a host of daemons to tear apart a city, or even a planet, as one of the accounts in the Codex Chaos Space Marines describes. They see Chaos more as a tool that can occasionally be useful, as opposed to powerful masters to be followed. Obviously using the Chaos powers often requires some form of concession, so even while the Night Lords using those powers might not really want to get into worship, they will none the less end entangled with the dark powers.
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I always got the impression that the majority of the legion had fallen to the tender embraces of the Gods. Warbands like Talos' are the exception in my opinion. There are NL Daemon Princes so some of them must worship the Gods. Krieg Acerbus and Perlictor (not 100% on Perlictor) are both NL daemon Princes.
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Cheers guys for all your help and answers within a short time. The midnight clad murderers are luring me in even more!


Another random Night Lord question (sorry my Night Lords fluff isnt up to scratch) what would the Night Lords do with slaves? What need do they have with them? For example, the Word Bearers use slaves as meat shields on the battlefield as well as builders for temples etc. But what of the Night Lords?

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The Night Lords would probably use slaves mainly for maintenance and lower tasks. They would not really use them in combat that much. Partially because the Night Lords are often described as either sneaking around at first but then when it comes to striking to assault with the full might of the Astartes, using nothing less than excessive force. For both these MOs slave units would just get in the way and could not keep up with the Space Marine units. The other important reason is that the Night Lords prefer to attack weaker, even helpless worlds, and try to avoid heavy combat or strong opposition if that can be helped. They would not usually seek to fight heavy wars of attrition where the Word Bearers or Iron Warriors might herd thousands upon thousands of slaves towards the enemy. They much prefer to atack targets that do not really stand a chance from the outset, so again they would not really need slaves to boost their numbers.
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The night lords both despise and worship the dark gods. There is no particular god they follow in current fluff, and there are far more night lords who simply acknowledge the gods, but hold little to no love for them. There are daemon princes, as Kizzdougs stated, both Pericletor (sp.) and Krieg Acerbus are daemon princes. Their Warbands are considered to be more daemonic than most, while other warbands, such as the Exalted's and now Talos' as well as Halasker's are less so.


Old school fluff paints the nightlords as Khornate, though not the same stripe as the world eaters. There was a different legion logo as well. It was a red bat.


As far as slaves go I think Legatus nailed it for the most part. Though I wouldn't put it past them to herd thousands of the semi-willing into battle. Though they'd probably use them as a distraction.

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Its all slightly ambiguous which I'm sure is the point as it allows you to create your own fluff for your Warband. Khorne seems the natural choice due to their love of bloodshed although they have to keep some of their wits to keep up their fighting style. Maybe they worship diet khorne, all the bloodshed without the added insanity.


The NL may also trade slaves to other legions/warbands for supplies ect, but that's just my idea I've never seen it written in official fluff.

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Basically, you've got to remember that there are those Chaos Marines out there that aren't walking stereotypes. People need to free themselves from the idea that X Legion only does this, or never does that. They may have a reputation for doing Y, but that doesn't mean that there are those out there that don't. In other words, feel free to go ahead with Chaos-worshipping Night Lords, just as devout as the Word Bearers. If people call you out on it, ask if they're carbon copies of their workmates, or friends.


As for the slaves, have a look at the Soul Hunter series for an idea. Basically, Marines need people to look after their armour and weapons, because they probably aren't going to do it themselves. However, a slave probably won't live for long if they aren't useful in some way, either killed by one of the Marines, or by one of their fellow slaves. Some warbands might use slaves as meatshields, but they'd better have a crudload of slaves, or they won't have any left afterwards.

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To use the same hyperbole, the other way ends up with the same list used over and over for fluff lists, because nothing else is fluffy. Also, every single persons background is exactly the same, just with a different name for the HQ.


Is it really so hard to accept that out of the thousands of Night Lords, a group of a hundred at most began worshipping Chaos?

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Yeah I mean you only have Krieg Acerbus and Periclitor(I found the correct spelling! :P) are daemon princes, the Exalted was possessed and it was only after the daemon kicked him out that he resented it and you also have that short story Nightfall which had one Raptor who had succumbed to Chaos and the mutations it offered as well as the sorcerer who didn't even look like a Space Marine because of its mutations. And the Lord in that short story said that all Night Lords are tainted. There is also mention of the Night Lords in one of the Ragnar novels that are summoning Daemons to a world. Or at least trying to until the "hero" kills most of them.


Oh wait, Periclitor is now apparently a Word Bearer. You can thank Imperial Armour Volume 9 for the change according to Lexicanum. So Acerbus the Axemaster is our only recorded Daemon Prince.

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The old rulebook's main cover pic, with the DP in the background was an ex Night Lord, turned Black Legion DP. So, if that helps.


Anyhow, few things that I know about Night lords...


1. Raptor Cults are mini warbands in themselves. They often enslave furies to fight by their side. As per old ed book:P

2. Night Lords can use daemonic pacts, in order to gain power. Hence the planet Brigannion IV or something in the current codex (controlled by Iron Warriors now)

3. Depends on the CSM. Some CSM's dislike daemons, and prefer to worship the gods. Some are all for daemonic powers and stuff. Some take things as they come.


Ultimately, up to you mate. Night Lords are a great legion because they are, essentially, so fractured. Although. If you take a Khornate Night Lord warband, and use BA rules with Sanguinary Priests and a frigging Storm Raven. I'll hate you forever. And hope that your models indeed skin you for your heresy.

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Once again i would like to thank everyone for their input and help, its most appreciated.


How would you theme a fluffy night lords list? For example a fluffy themed word bearers list would include squads of possessed and daemons. A fluffy themed iron warrior list would include lots of vehicles and obliterators or havoc squads. But what of a fluffy themed night lords list? (not competative lists please, purely fluffy)

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To keep fluffy, only use Icons of Chaos Glory. Troops, I'd either equip with flamers or meltas as both are "fire" and carry a fear factor(who honestly wants to die from a melta blast in the face?) and the Chaos Lord could either be a Raptor with TLCs, Termie with TLCs or even have a daemon weapon(again, who would like to face a screaming sword that literally howls for your blood?) probably wouldn't take a mark unless it was Nurgle or Tzeentch to represent the fear working its way into your opponent's weapon arm. Might go with Nurgle since Tzeentch counts on roll of the dice. Or if you want you can make a DP the same way. Or even a count-as Abaddon. And either have Raptors or Bikes for fast attack. Have all troops with Rhinos is a must. If you want a competitive fluffy list, I'm sure you could do a count-as PM army with the MoN's extra 1 Toughness representing the fear factor at work. Nurgle would also be good for a daemon weapon on the lord because of the poisoned attacks. I could see NL using a sword dripping with black, venomous ichor.
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A "pure" Night Lords list would use no cult marks or cult units, and possibly no daemon prince or possessed. Though the Night Lords fluff fully encourages the use of cult units as allied mercenary units. (I.e. They wouldn't be Night Lords Berserkers, they would be World Eaters Berserkers fighting for your Night Lords Warband.) However, a "pure" force with only Night Lords should perhaps not include them.


As far as units go you can really take whatever you like. In the Index Astartes article and the 3.5 Codex Space Marines GW had tried to establish the Night Lords as very Raptor and fast attack heavy (Raptors were a new unit at that time, and GW tried to make that the Night Lords' "thing"), though long time players will quickly point out that they were never really described as a "fast attack" force. They were described as merciless and allways using excessive force in their attacks to utterly overwhelm and crush their opposition, so perhaps the fast attack units were meant to represent that type of warfare. But really they would use the standard Marine unit types.


I usually prefer a Sorcerer for my Night Lords over a Lord, since his ability to turn any model into a spawn on a single die roll or the ability to put down an armour ignoring flame template are genuinely more "scary" than a Chaos Lord who is simply better in HtH than the other models.

(The spawn thing will not work often, but when it does it is priceless!)

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Well, there are Night Lord Berserkers, just take a look at Uzas. People really need to stop getting so hung up about exactly matching the 2d portrayals of forces that GW present. There will be Night Lords out there that have given themselves over to the bloodlust (as again, before you try to deny this, just take a look at Uzas. He's one lobotomisation from being a World Eater, basically), or to the sensations of fear. It's true that most Night Lords have a hatred of religion, there are always going to be exceptions. One of the things I've always liked about Warhammer is that you're not just forced into using the same named characters as everybody else, that you can create your own force. Apparently though, this is incorrect, and every single Night Lord has the exact same personality, with no variation.
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All world eaters are berzerkers XD




As others have said you get exceptions to the rule and in most cases descriptions of the legion only give the general character of the legion as a whole and not every warband or individual.


Also on the whole everyone makes their army the same stereotype thing is often to do with making their army different from other chaos armies... Just if many night lords players feel like that then a lot of night lords armies will be like that... if you keep your night lords are the same as other chaos lists you will be the same as the rest of chaos but different from the night lords... In a game where the options are so limited you army is never going to be a unique snow flake in unit composition. Many people like to magnify or exaggerate what makes their army different or take the units that are effective. Hence we have the issue of many people thinking all Night Lords pack a load of fast attack and the current issue of 2 x DP, 3 x 3OB.

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Has their been accounts of Night Lords that "worship" the gods? Or not even worship but acknowledge the gods and use them to gain favour/power?


Scound's Fall. A small flotilla of Night Lord ships slips through the Cadian gate and spend months in the warp avoiding detection. Scound's Fall, a small planet located 100 light years from Terra is chosen as a target because of it's large Schola Progenium Abbey, the training grounds for future Imperial Admirals, Commissars, Storm Troopers and Sisters of Battle. After seven days of fighting there are no survivors left from the Night Lords' attack and the butchered remains from both sides are laid out in talismanic patterns, to help with the summoning of a daemonic horde. Daemons rampage across half the world while the Night Lords head for the Eye of Terror, eluding Imperial warships intent on their capture. The daring of the attack sends shockwaves through the military organisation of the Segmentum Terra and results in the court martial and penitent exile of Lord Commander Solar Jaxon.



Look up Acerbus Krieg and Periclitor, Daemon Princes both.

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