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And they shall Know No Fear......

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Greetings, Brothers of the Warp!


Im sure most, if not all, were aware of this worldwide event that took place today - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/wnt/blog...pid=1000006-gws


So today was the day that the chosen champions of Chaos, the Word Bearers, launched their own dark crusade against the hated UltraSmurfs. Unfortunately I was busy today so I never had the chance to pop into my local Games Workshop to see how it was, but who here did partake in the event? What army did you bring along and how successful was your battles? What was the final outcome does anyone know? If you took pictures of the Word Bearers at war feel free to post them too, it must have been great to see loads of Word Bearers taking to the tabletop!



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I went along, didn't participate in the mega battle due to insufficient completed models, but I did some painting, and did bring the only Word Bearers to the store, photos are on the store's facebook. However the Ulramarines held off the forces of Lorgar.
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I'm annoyed that I had to miss this, as it would have given me the motivation necessary to finish my LPC vow, and the latest incarnation of my host - but, alas, research trips are necessary. I am curious to know how our side did worldwide, however.
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I'm annoyed that I had to miss this, as it would have given me the motivation necessary to finish my LPC vow, and the latest incarnation of my host - but, alas, research trips are necessary. I am curious to know how our side did worldwide, however.


I'm going to guess badly... Many GW stores don't care about balance... Prey to whatever god/s you believe in that Xenos were allowed to fight on the Chaos side otherwise I feel a lot of things like the third war of Armageddon mega battle at my store in the global campaign happened again... Orks out numbered by space marines >.< Hell it was probably Orks out numbered by Blood Angels alone...


Or prey the manager or one of the older regulars with way too much stuff (like me, because you know when one person brings 50k pts worth of stuff that can change the battle XD) at the store is a follower of the dark gods.

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Don't worry. We'll get them. Some day. When we have more Astartes than even Tzeentch can count, much les know what to do with. And we will make a bridge straight to Terra out of the little men and march on its gates once more. Just have to wait. Again.
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i didnt attend, but as i play both sides, im not sure which id have chosen.

tbh it probably would have been WBs, more due to balance.. my ultramarines scout army doesnt cope too well in mega sized games.


im not a big fan of my local GW, especially after they closed thier games room becuase it didnt earn them any money and wasnt in the shops best interest.. but moreso becuase its usually cramped full of teenage kids and unwashed miscreants.

for anyone living in the UK, im hoping to have my own little nod to TSKNF on sunday june 3rd at GW nottingham

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It's good to hear that people were partaking and slaying the hated Imperial dogs :)


I took my WBs into my local GW and fought in the Apocalyps game. The forces of Chaos were ultimately victorious B)

Good news indeed, congratulations mate. What was your army list for that Apocalypse game?



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