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So I have started GMing a game game of Black Crusade, and I have several friends who are involved. One of them is a Renegade Sniper, he has been using one of my sniper models, one of them is a Chosen, he has his own model that he uses for it, and one of them is a Sorcerer, who has been borrowing one of my Grey Knights (it was the closest model we had to a psychic unit with a scythe).


Now, I want to create a specific sorcerer for him to use, but I don't know what to do it with.


He is a Sorcerer, so I will probably use a Librarian or convert a space marine to look Sorcerer like, but he is armed with a Force Scythe, and I can't think of anything to use to make the scythe.


So, do any of you have some ideas of how to make a cool sorcerer using either a Librarian or a standard Space Marine body? I have various bits and bits that I don't have I can acquire. Where would I get a scythe? What looks do you prefer? What pieces do you prefer? I don't want it to have a 1k Sons look to it, though.

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I'm going to building a sorcerer from Sevrin Loth, however I was given him by a friend and he is quite an expensive (but cool) kit. I will be using chaos backpack (the serpanty one) staff and some green stuff robes to make him look less like a loyalist librarian. You may also want to consider removing the psychic hood as a sorcerer probably wouldn't have one although it probably wouldn't be to hard to think up a reason for him having one.


There's a scyth in the empire wizard set but it's a bit fin and has fancy flowers on it. May not be the look your going for.

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The zombie kit has several scythes in it and i think the Flagellant one might as well. The Empire wizard has a Scythe too. Personally i would go for one of the scythes from the new Black Knight/Hexwraith kit.


Also, is the Sorcerer going to be wearing power armour? If not i would suggest using a Chaos Sorcerer from WHFB or one of the new Vampire Counts Necromancer as the base for the conversion.

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