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Thickened Paints


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Hi all,


This may have already been answered, but the search function doesn't seem to work with me, always returns an error.


I've been inactive on the painting front for a long time (around 3.5 years) and just about to get back, but many of my paints have significantly thickened, to the point where they are unusable. I'm not sure if I can actually do anything to thin them back down, but would prefer that over buying more.


Ideas Please?

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I'm going to assume you're talking about acrylics doing this. Some times you can rejuvinate acrylic paint that has thickend by adding small amounts of thinner, be it water or any of the multitude of mixes people swear by, and thoughly mixing it in. And by mixing it I mean using a stick of some sort and folding the thinner into the paint.


Add a few drops, mix well, check consitency, and repeat till you get the consitency you want. Then do a test paint with it and see if it still performs to you're satisfaction.


Sometime this works sometimes it doesn't. There really isn't any way to tell one way or another without trying.


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