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The Changer of Ways and his guises.

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I apologise, this may get a little fan-boy-ish. As, well. I am indeed a Chaos Fanboy.


However, it's been described to me that the Chaos God's are infact many aspects of their primary emotion, for example, the one I consider the easiest, Khorne. Not only a merciless bloodthirsty skull-collector and blood lover.


To one champion, he may appear as an 18th duelist, with hand pistol and those dorky clothes. Because said champion is a duelist beyond compare.

To another, he may appear as a knight, with a strong chivalry vibe about him. Because the champion is very knightly orientated.

Or even a patient hunter, to a follower who tracks the strongest of foes, to slay them by any means necessary.


Different aspects of warfare, the challenge, the honour between men, and stealth/hunting capabilities.


My question is, what aspects of Tzeentch could there be? Slaanesh and Khorne seem to be the easiest, whilst Nurgle seems almost singular in his essences, but his nature is such a broad coverage, that it covers many situations.


I've read a very good representation in Prospero Burns, where Hawser meets several characters. Some being knowledge seekers, others being sorceror's, whilst another was a rather cunning, ever changing beast.


I mean, how would he choose to appear to a scheming politician? How would he appear to a chaos warlord? Or those under-hive mutant shanty towns that are looking for a rebellion against the Imperial dogs above them? How would he appear to an inquisitor? Or a servant of another god?


What kinds of offers would he deal with? What exchanges would he demand of his bargains? Would he even appear? Or just send subtle signs to his champions guiding their path?


Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

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Inthe BA novels, he appears to an Inquisitor as basically a source knowledge of how to control Chaos. Of course he then uses the Inquisitor to try an appear to the BA themselves as their Primarch born again by mutating one of their brethren into a winged Astartes who wields one of the Primarch's weapons. DISCLAIMER: A Lord of Change named Malfallax is the chosen instrument here.


We also see Tzeentch use a Daemon Prince Abraxes to appear to the Siul Drinkers as an actual incarnation of the Emperor. Basically you have two choices: He can be a way to power or he can actually lead you to it, if you are willing to be the sheep.


And he will do it many ways. In a WHF novel, he engineers the slaughtering of a whole Norscan village. He then takes the only survivor, and makes him one of his Chosen. Then sets the poor sod on a suici- I mean crusade, to capture a weapon that had once been bestowed to Be'lial himself(you know, that one famous Daemon Prince who fought the Gods) all for the price of being transported back in time to save his village. Guy succeeds, turns out the weapon is actually just some sort of Nurgle relic that was going to be used to blackmail Nurgle into war and the guy was turned into a part of the very spawn that slaughtered his village.


Then there was that one sorcerer GW used to have a model of who grew pretty little flowers wherever he walked.


He appeared to Magnus as a saviour who at first stopped the flesh change, for a time. But only in return for Magnus' obedience. Then when Magnus refused, the flesh change came back in full swing and the Tzeentch became an extortionist.


Basically, all deals will have a backloop in them that works only for Tzeentch. And no matter how valued you are, you are always expendable. Nurgle seems to be the only Power who cares about his servants. So scheming and knowledge seem to be his gig.

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