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Victory for the Blood Angels


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Good news, I participated to a tournament yesterday and came out victorious! We did the Emperor and the Angel proud :D


My army was :



SP w. JP + MB

RAS 10 MGx2 + PF

RAS 10 MGx2 + PF

RAS 5 MG - Rback LCPG

RAS 5 MG - Rback LCPG

Predator AC-HB

Predator AC-LC

Predator AC-LC


There were 8 participants and the armies were:

Codex Space Marines (Mechanized)

Grey Knights (Purifier List)

Orkz (Battle wagonz)

Orkz Da green tide with killa kanz)

Sisters of Battle (Mechanized to the boot)

Necrons (Overlord Court)

Tyranids (Drop Army)


I matched up with necrons, orkz and Space Marines and won all my matches :tu:


For the Emperor!

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Unfortunately I do not have detailed pictures thus will have to rely on pure narrative. It was a random battle mission tournament so by complete chance I played all my games with Night Fight deployment with capture and control as the main objective and seize ground as the tie braker?! It never came to the tie breakers thus I won’t mention them a lot.


1) Necrons


Army List:

Necron OverLord w no save +2str 2d6 armor pen staff 2+ save and 3+ inv. He also had the mind bugs which made you hit yourself

Overlord’s Court 4 Necron Lords with very similar equipment to the overlord and Cryptek with re-roll a dice every phase ability

Necron warriors x 10 with Ghost Ark

Necron warriors x 5 with Ghost Ark


Necron flyer with the devastating beam


It was clear that I would easily outshoot his army.

I won the roll of deployed my objective close to the center of my DZ close to a building, he deployed his objective to the far right close to a building. I deployed both of my RAS in a long conga line to push him as further back as posible. Mephiston went to the very center of the board. The board did not have big buildings in the center which blocked LoS, thus I had open fire lines. The buildings and forest were evenly distributed and did not really have a big effect on the game. My opponent deployed to the left corner with his walking death court closest to my army and the ghost arks just behind them. The monolith goes to deep strike and the flyer is held in reserve. He rolled for seize and seized!!


Turn 1 he gets close to my left RAS and fires with his ghost arks, I lose one brother. In my turn I quickly move to the right, away from his army. While my armored column also comes from the right and take firing position. It’s nighttime though so I don’t see anyhing...


Turn 2, he realizes that he will be in big trouble due to being outshot, thus rushes toward my lines. I fire away and kill one of his ghost arks and immobilize the other.


Turn 3, His flyer arrives. He rushes further towards my lines. The flyer fires its death ray and I manage to pass my cover saves.

I return fire killing the flyer and he also loses 2 court members.


Turn 4 he comes closer and fires a little and kills two RAS. In my turn I fire everything on the Court and assault with Mephiston and one RAS Squad. The outcome is not promissing though it seems that I have undersetimated the brain bugs?! Mephy fails its LD test and does not hit the Court at all... The Ras fairs better and kill of two more memebers of the Court. I receive some casualty but manage to hold.


The referee notifies us that we will be playing only one more turn due to time constraints.


Turn 5 the Monolith comes in close to the objective on his side but thankfully scatters. One of his warriors creep slowly towards my objective while he teleports the other via the gate next to my objective. The combat goes horrible as everybody fail their Ld tests... Mephiston breaks and runs away while the RAS hold to the last man. I divide my army in two halves. One part concentrates fire on the opponents objective and the other part on my objective. I kill a bunch of warriors and one Rback secures my objective while the other RAS jumps to claim the opponents objective.


Lesson for the day do not engage that Court in CC they do some whacky things...


2) Orks


The Army

Warboss on bike w. PC

Mek w. KFF

Snikrot and commandos

Choppa boyz x 24

Shoota Boyz x 20

Shoota Boyz x 20

3 Choppers

Loota boyz x 8

Loota Boyz x 8

Killa Kan x2

Killa Kan x2

Killa Kan


The terrain is similar with no big LoS cuttnig buildings in the center and evenly distributed area terrains on both sides. I win the roll off and deploy my objective in a forest on my side close to the table edge. He deploys his just accross mine next to a forest. I’m starting, so I deploy once again in "thin red line formation" to push him back. He deploys the choppa squad and the KFF. He rolls to seize... and does?! Is it a pattern or what?! :huh:


Turn 1 All the orkz come in with their bulk on the right side. I counter by moving my RAS and Mephiston to the middle and deploying all my vehicles from the left side taking the forest between us. Im doing my best to get away from my table edge in order to avoid the Boss on bike ambush with Snikrot. Nothing of import happened until Turn 3 I fire a little, he fires a little there are no causlties to mention at all.


On turn 3 his choppers arive from the flank and kill one of my Predators w. LC. Confident that his ambush has arrived and that I’m far away from my table edge, I push everything forward to the center and leave my Rback squads behind who disembark to shoot, and assault if needed, the choppers. For some reason, I was under the illusion that Snikrot may only come in from my table edge and not any table edge?! I was proven so wrong, which almost cost me the battle. I was thinking that my forward elements would make a suicide run to the center, kill as much as orks as possible and survive long enough to crowd his objective and deny it, while my RAS would hop in their Rbacks and move safely to my objective and chill there long enough safe in their metal boxes. Well it didn’t go that way...


Mephiston and the Ras engaged the main Ork host at the middle. Mephiston went for the Kans exploded them to thin the Ork ranks with shrapnel while the RAS destroyed the choppa squad.


On Turn, 4 Snikrot and the Boss came from the flank and engaged and broke my Ras’ which were exposed :(. He also torrented me to death in the center. Things were looking bleak but Brother Sergeant Domenico had another game plan in mind! After loosing all but two men in his squad he decided to make a tactical withdrawal (he failed his LD test :P) And jumped a clear 14” straight to my objective. In my turn they rallied and started to claim the objective. Mephiston jumped to engage one of the lootaz while the remnants of RAS Petrus engaged the other lootaz. The referee said that our time was almost up and seeing that he did not have any range attacks to touch me from afar and my preds contesting his central objective, my opponent conceded.


It was a very close game due to me being mind tricked by Snikrot :P


3) Ultramarines


The Army

Librarian with GoI (in LR)

Hammernators (in LR)

Ironclad Dreadnought

Tactical Squad in Rhino

Tactical squad in Rhino

Predator AC-LC

Predator AC-LC

Predator AC-LC

Land Raider EA + MM


Once again a terrain with no center features blocking LoS. I placed my objective behind a Bastion building leaning towards the left. He placed his objective just accross mine close to a big building. I deployed in the thin red line formation once again . He deployed a rhino next to the objective. He did not roll for seize (I’m sure he would have succeeded :P) so I started.


Turn 1; I brought in everything on the left side of the table and also moved everything I had to that side as well. He came in from the right and backed up his rhino with the ironclad. He opened fire thanks to searchlight and killed a predator, Boo!!


Turn 2

I moved with Mephiston and the Jumpers towards the rhino and the dread. My armored column dispersed around the bastion keeping 13 armor on the front. I opened up on the rhino and managed to blow it off and the tacticals got off. I also blew of one his predators thanks to flank shots (yey! For fast tanks) Mephiston ran and got into charging distance and went straight in the tactical . He killed 5 and they fled the table being very close to the table edge. I consolidated towards the front of the wrecked rhino. He moved everything towards me, managed to stun, shake, immobilizse some of my vehicles and the Dread charged Mephiston. My Sanguine Sword was dispelled, thus I just scratched his armor while he whiffed his attacks.


Turn 3

I fired to almost no effect. One of my Ras got close to the combat to assault with a 9str PF. So the Ras goes in but Mephiston manages to cast Sanguine Sword and cleaves the veteran from the middle. I consolidate and waited for the inevitable Hammernator Charge. The Terminators go in, Mephiston kills one before he is bludgeoned. His forces move towards the center closing on my objective.


Turn 4

My RAS converge on the Hammernators while my remaining forces manage to immobilise the remaining rhino. I fire to the terminators, 3 go down so I assault them with one of my RAS. Seeing that he is in bad shape he pulls his LR to the center to block my jumpers getting to his remaining tactical while he makes a dash for the objective.


Turn 5

I park my Rbacks close to my objective while one RAS moves into assault distance with the LR, the other conga lines from the objective to add MG fire. I manage to damage the tank but do not kill it until Brother Sanguinary Priest Rhaseza plants his MB. It all comes to sheninegans for the boys in blue. The Predator tank shocks toward the objective I hold with my jumpers and kills the Srg Petrus who tries to stop it with his PF. Only death, no glory :) The Librarian teleports toward my objective in an attempt to contest however scatters and materialzes within my Rback.


We roll and the game ends in my favor!

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