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Astorath,the Astro boy ...


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Well, I have this model (quite cool one); however I cannot find him a proper place in army besides an apocalyptical build. But still...


I made an alternation to my SR list, where I exchange Ass. Termies+lib+priest for 7man DC with Rec (-or- Astro) to save me an elite spots for 2 dreads. Now I have some spare points I am thinking of using Astro to get that 3+ red thirst (S7 I5 charging dread <3)











Furiouso Dread

Furiouso Dread

Priest (JP)



7xDC (PW,TH-bolter)


5xASM(melta,PF)~ with the spare points ill increase the body count on this sq.



2xSR (ExA,MM,AC)



But still is this guy worth 220p with all that he offers?


PS: Not sure at all if the spoiler works >.< ... It does not ... doh

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On the rare occasion that I use Astorath I tend to add him to a 10-man RAS to give them some extra punch (Fearless, reroll misses on charge, S6 PW attacks forcing reroll of invulnerables) as I find RAS alone to lack the impact that I want from such a big squad.
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As I'm currently running a full DC list at 1500 up to 2000 points I have to take the Redeemer of the Lost. I tend to use him for exactly what he is, an executioner. I have three stormravens in my lists in the role of firesupport transports and Astorath starts every game in one of these accompanied by 8 DC. I tend to soften up enemy generals, retinues and monstrous creatures for the first two turns and then throw Astorath in to mop up with his squad in case he needs their help in the combat.


Although he personally doesn't always reap back the points that he costs I feel he is more than worth it for the army build I have and how successful it has been for me.

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However I am not building a DC list, i do use Astorath there as buffed Rec, mainly due to his 1-3 red thirst rolls... List is all blacked so i post it again to avoid confusion.







Furiouso Dread

Furiouso Dread

Priest (JP)



7xDC (PW,TH-bolter)


5xASM(melta,PF)~ with the spare points ill increase the body count on this sq.



2xSR (ExA,MM,AC)


Prehaps ill use one dread with Frag in DP to deviate all the inc. fire.

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Having re-read the list I might offer the following suggestions;


Swap a Furioso for a DC Dread with Blood Talons. Although this will give you one less on your weapon skill and front armour value you've got an extra attack, Fleet, Furious Charge and those Blodd Talons will destroy enemy units so badly it's not even funny. Yes there is the penalty of having Rage but if you are thinking of Drop-podding a dread use it for the DC dread so he's right up in the enemies face to negate this a little bit. At least this way Furious Charge is guaranteed for one Dread at least.


Although I now appreciate you're not using a full DC army, in my 2k list I include a Reclusiarch. Now although his statline has one less Weapon Skill and a 3+ save, he still has the same Initiative and Wounds so arguably he is just as survivable as Astorath but 65 points cheaper if you give him a Jump Pack so he can buff the squad he joins in the same way (Liturgies and Honour of the Chapter) but Invulnerable saves are not being forced to re-roll. Also I've found that he is often overlooked because he tends to be viewed as 'just a Chaplain' whereas just saying Astorath makes the enemy think twice and focus on him. Obviously they both have similar qualities to a degree but with a Reclusiarch you've just increased the size of your DC to ten men or the smaller ASM squad to eight with the points you save by taking him over Astorath which in both cases in 6-9 close combat attacks assuming you've given all the DC boltguns.


Hope this helps :D

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I used Astorath pretty exclusively for about a year after the codex came out.


My experience (ignoring the pure DC army idea where he is essential anyway):


First, he works best in a 10 man assault squad to really bolster them. There he is basically a reclusiarch+, his artificer armor mixed with a nearby priest for FNP makes him hard to kill by normal enemies though like all ICs we have you have to worry about Powerfists.


Second, for an army he is mosteffeective boosting a list that has a lot of red thirst units. Assault Squads, Sanguinary Guard, Vanguard all gain from the 50% furious charge rate. Attack Bikes/Devs, scouts , tacticals gain from the 50% fearless rate so they stay where you want then and don't run from enemy fire.


I find if I am playing pure DoA, I like Dante a lot more. But if I am playing a hybridized list idea, one where I am more likely to deploy most of my jumpers than DS them, I really like Astorath.


Look at the Reclusiarch with a jump pack. If you think he's a good deal, then Astorath is worth it because he adds a lot for his extra cost.

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I've used him like most people said with a full 10 man Assault squad, they chew through most rank and file infantry and can even put a hurting on some of the more common "death star" units.


I do have a dream though of fielding an all scout 1850 army with Astorath at the helm. Six scoutsquads for troops (various load outs but always a PF on Srg) with 2 10 man scout biker squads (again PF on Srg and possibly a few Grenade launchers) and a few priests for taste... imagine 80 red thirst scouts on the table mmmm.

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I have been playing blood angels for almost a year now mostly DoA but with some mixed in mech. I recently read an article somewhere and I cant find the link. THe author called it Blood rodeo. I was going to try it over the next few weeks but I have been wanting to also include astorath in the list somehow. Last night at work I think I came up with the list I want to try.




Lib Jumppack, Lance, Unleashed rage

Honour guard Jumppack, melta x4






5x Death Co Jumppack, 5x bolters 1x Thunder hammer

10x Assault sauad 2x melta, Power fist

10x Assault sauad 2x melta, Power fist



3x Attack bike 3x multi melta

3x Attack bike 3x multi melta

5x Vanguard Jumppack, 4x lightning claw, 1x powerfist, 5x stormshield



5x devestator 4x missile



I havent decided which sqaud to put astorath in but so far the suggestion is one of the 10 man assault squads. Im going to play this list this week and ill let you know how astorath does. My opponents are usually necrons, eldar, grey knights, and nids. Im excited to finaly use the model I kit bashed a few months ago.

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He's useless in a Razorspam/AV13 wall list.


Other than that he's gold.


You aren't forced to leverage his multiple DC unit rules; His basic 'Captain with Relic Blade and Articifier armor' statline is good for the points, and the axe forces rerolls of those pesky invulnerable saves as gravy.


He's great with a list including Vanguard, or plenty combat squads/bikes.

He's good leading a hammer unit (DC, Honor Guard, Terminators)

You aren't as reliant on the expensive Sanguinary Priest IC to give your army bite (that right there cancels out his 'extra cost')


The only thing he lacks is immunity to Instant Death. But BA Codex doesn't have an IC option with that rule, so much of a muchness.


For the OP's list, if you're running Dual Raven I'd say with Asty and multiple Furiosos in the list, lose Meph and the Priest. Reason, there is only so many CC wrecking balls you need, retaining 3 is more than enough. Upgrading a Dread to a Libby covers you for psychic hood defense.


What you need is more bodies and fire support to help cross the table, More assault Marines, Bikes/Speeders are better options for the points to support your army.

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Astro Boy is rapidly becoming my favorite HQ. I don't feel dirty fielding him like Mephiston, and the Sanguinor just doesn't seem to do much for me.


Astro Boy buffs my entire army- or pretty close to it. 50% chance for Red Thirst? Yes please. Independent Character? Check. Jump Pack and DoA rule? Check. Strength 6 power weapon and rerolls invulnerable saves? Gravy. Acts like a Chaplain and makes the DC even better? I can eat my cake too? Awesome! Obviously, he is better in an infantry list then mech list.


There is really no drawback for taking Astro Boy. Meph isn't an IC, and he is like this one man wrecking crew that gets treated like a Daemon Prince, the Sanguinor isn't an IC either, and just seems a bit harder to use- he is a more finesse character then Meph or Astro Boy. I can hide him in a unit, he can join the DC for some fun... any unit he joins just becomes better.


In my experience and play group, Astro Boy lasts long enough to get into combat and wrecks face. He is a great Force Multiplier, and worth his points.


To be fair though, all the Blood Angel Characters are pretty good.

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