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New Member, New Player, WY

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Greetings to all! I'm a new member and a new 40k player from Wyoming. There's a small, but active local community that finally roped me in (my best friend has been trying to get me for 12 years). I've always liked the universe of 40k, but my one brush with the tabletop, oh, probably seven years ago now put me off it (the "veteran" player was very rude; constantly leaving the table and feigned an ignorance of the rules while trying to bend them to his advantage). I always liked the novels and the dystopian nature of the environment, like Frank Miller wrote Star Wars. I sort of passed off Warhammer, encountering it here and there as friends played, but never really interacting with it much. Then I got hold of some novels, and they were good. Then I played Dawn of War, which was a beautiful game with a decent playstyle even if some of its more ambitious elements fell flat. Then I played DoW II which was better. And then I forgot about it again once the novelty had worn off. However last year, THQ and Relic released Space Marine and it was my favorite game of the year (even more than the vaunted Modern Warfare 3, sacrilege I know). Recently one of the local 40k players opened a gaming shop and set up tables for play. i would go play magic, but my friends delighted in having a dedicated venue for 40k games and would bring out armies and play. They finally got me to play another game with someone Grey Knights army, and I won. Then I played another and I won! Then a team game came out in a draw, and I started looking at armies. As a younger man playing...I think D&D but it could have been GURPS, I had a character who was sort of a mon/paladin type who fell to corruption, fought it off but had some dark powers about him who wound up being called "The Black Templar" so one of the first chapters I started reading fluff about were the Black Templars. I've always liked the history of the Black Templars, and their mindset. No Pity. No Remorse. No Fear. Plus there aren't any locals who field Templars, so I have made them my chosen army. I'm slowly buying models, it's not a hobby a returned college student commits to financially in big spurts, and the local players have been kind about letting me proxy armies in with loaner pieces in friendly games. I found this forum when looking for some Black Templar strategies, and, well, here I am.
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Welcome mate! :D


Well, you've been for quite a journey in the 40k verse, but it's good to see more dedicated hobbyists :) I hope that you'll be happy with your choice and don't forget to check out the GW site for the latest C:BT FAQ Update. It could prove to be quite useful to you with all the new updates :)


See you around!



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Hey there, well the friend he mentioned is me, I followed him here after he told me about this site, nice place :cuss


As he said I have been at this game for about 10-12 years, I have dabbled in many forms of the verse (novels, games, models...RPGs). I currently have 3 armies for 40K, I just recently started a High Elf fantasy army as well.

I run Vanilla Space Marines, a chapter of my own design I have dubbed them "The Paladins of the Imperium"

I run a Grey Knights army, close color choices to the Paladins as they are all part of my personal fluff, plus I have integrated GK models from a friend who has passed away and my friends and I divided his models up amongst ourselves per his wife's request so more people could appreciate his excellent modeling and painting skills.

I have also given into the call of the Hive and my personal fears to build a Xenomorph themed Tyranid army I have named "The Black Horrors of Talyra", these are a counter to another friend of mine who has made a desert themed SM army.


In any case I hope to learn much from you all and I am glad to be in an online community that seems to love the hobby as much as I do.


cheers :P

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Welcome to B&C! I play DA and if I am thinking correct I live about 120miles north of you in wyoming, sadly I have not made it down to the new store but once and not at all for any games yet but I am trying, its been hectic, had a house fire, and now gotta plan a wedding for this summer but after that I am hoping to get down there and get some gaming in. So again, welcome
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Welcome to B&C! I play DA and if I am thinking correct I live about 120miles north of you in wyoming, sadly I have not made it down to the new store but once and not at all for any games yet but I am trying, its been hectic, had a house fire, and now gotta plan a wedding for this summer but after that I am hoping to get down there and get some gaming in. So again, welcome


Yes, Jynx and I are in Rock Springs. Well met to another 307 Battle Brother, and to all of the battle brothers who have so kindly welcomed us!

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