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Assault Marines (Update)


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Hi guys,


Painting all the fancy things in my army I totally neglected my most important guys: my troops.

Namely my assault marines which never fail at saving my ass.

So I thought I give them some painting love.


I hope you like them:


Guy 1:









Guy 2:







Group shot with sergeant:



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Now those are some sharp assault marines.


And the company colors break down as:

1st white skull

2nd yellow/gold blood drop

3rd white/silver blood drop

4th green/admantite blood drop

5th black/ebonite blood drop

6th yellow/gold double blood drop

7th white/silver double blood drop

8th green/adamantite double blood drop

9th black/ebonite double blood drop

10th red single blood drop in a black circle


and with all those green gems I assumed you were going for a 4th company also.

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very nice painting! B)


the yellow almost looks like gold in the pictures, what is your recipe? :)

My recipe for the yellow contains no yellow at all. ^^

It's a basecoat of vomit brown (2 layers) -> wash with gryphonne sepia -> hihglight with tausept ochre -> wash with devlan mud (careful this time, otherwise it will be to dark)


@Daryl: Thank you for your insight! I really appreciate it.

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Painted two more. Now I have a fully painted 5 men squad.


Guy 3:








Guy 4:









Full Squad:



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Really nice. You spend as long on your basic troops as most people do their hqs! Very good indeed


You're completely right. That's my secret. Spending time on the miniatures.


If you have a close look you will realize that I am no fancy painter like others. My paintjobs are basically basecoat, main colour, highlight and wash.

No fancy techniques like NMM, no wet blending or whatever else the painting gurus come up with.


Spending time, picking out all the details, basic techniques and a steady hand. And a lot of time.

This is the recipe for a decent looking army which reaches high tabletop standard.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,


I painted the two melta gunners from my assault squad. Since I believe in gaming karma concernind painted miniatures I hope that they now hit more often and bring destruction upon my enemies. ^^


I hope you like them.


First guy:








Second guy:








Group shot:



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Hi guys,

Today I painted the remaining three guys of this squad and I have to tell you... it was intense.

I started at 11 a.m. and was done around midnight.

It was worth it though. Finally I'm able to field a fully painted 10 men assault squad. The most iconic unit of every blood angel army.


Hope you like them.


Ps.: The melta gun is a forgeworld piece. It is included in the special weapons set.




First guy:








Second guy:








Third guy:








Group shot with sanguinary priest:



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very nice man :)


Do you have veterans of any kind yet? Cause if you do they better be twice as ornate as these guys :P

I will have a squad of five.

This is how they will look: Cloaks + fancy helmets. ^^




About my regular assault marines being so ornate. I used a box of DC and "diluted" it with a box of regular assault marines.

Still there is enough bling to make them pop this much. ^^

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