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Raptors or Dread?


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So heres my dilema. I can afford either a dread off FW or a box of Raptors and some paint. Im new to gaming (I mainly paint) and was wondering wich would be the better choice. I only have 2 squads of 7 CSM and a deamon prince. (500 pts total) and have been running into trouble with land speeders and bikes. The dread with auto cannons could solve a little of the problem but then again he could also turn his weapons on any of my units. The raptors would be nice because they would engage quicker but they lack the fire power to really take on any vehicles. Strategy and advice for both would be appreciated.
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Im new to gaming (I mainly paint) and was wondering wich would be the better choice.

better for painting or for gaming ? if painting then the dread is a nice pice of a model , while the raptors are a unit so while harder/longer to paint to a master class level you end up with more oportunity to show of your skill.



gaming wise , both are bad , technicly the raptors should do better [which doesnt mean good].

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Sorry about that. Meant gaming. Eventually I will get both but which would be better in a small/normal pt game? The raptors cost more points as well but would iy be worth it? The dreads auto cannons have range 48 and if you add Twin linked bolters it gives you 1 more attack. (4 total)
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The standard advice for Chaos when it comes to game play is that HQ, troops and Heavy Support sections of the codex are chaos' strengths.


Elites and Fast attack to to range from terrible to Meh or overpriced, that being said they are still usable.


I personally would go with the dread.


1) I think the FW Dread models are far more awesome than the raptors.

2) Rumour has it that there is a new bunch of raptors on the way, if Chaos really is coming out straight after 6th edition... So I would be tempted to wait and see what 6th brings...


Game wise I would say add wings to your prince if he hasn't got them... Get rhinos for your marines if they haven't got them. Plague Marines and Khorne berzerkers are also good. Chaos lacks long range anti-tank but the best is certainly in the Heavy Support section and getting some stuff from there might be worth it. Oblits are generally the favoured child of the heavy support section but both Oblits and Defilers are unique to chaos while other choice are chaos versions of what everyone else has.

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I personally would go with the dread.


1) I think the FW Dread models are far more awesome than the raptors.

2) Rumour has it that there is a new bunch of raptors on the way, if Chaos really is coming out straight after 6th edition... So I would be tempted to wait and see what 6th brings...



Ok awesome thanks. I was gona get the dread off FW thats why its so expensive. Im just trying to grow my army as well. About the posibility of new raptors... They just made citadell fine casts of them and I dont know why they would do that and just make new ones. I hope they get new stuff. The daemon prince looks way better than the old metal ones.

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Brother Nihm. I have 2 squads of reg marines (7 in each) and an assembled Daemon prince. I have 2 squads of Berzerkers, 1 squad of plague marines and a box of noise marines unassembled. I also have a squad of terminators unassembled (1 complete and painted) and a predator tank thats still being assembled. I usually just paint thats why I have such speratic units and uncompleted projects but im really trying to get into playing more but I like my units painted instead of just primed or assembled when I play.


Ive played 5 games total. One against blood ravens (Marines and a captain) and won, a killteam game with tyranids on my team and won. Anihilation agains tyranids (hive tyrant and some hormagaunts) and lost, Capture ground against black templar (3 land speeders and 2 squads of troops) and was a draw and the final game was against white scars who had all bikes and I got wiped out. So I need more heavy hitting units that can take on light vehicles. In the end I have a huge list of units I want to get just to paint and play in games later but now im trying to find units that can benefit me now in such small point games. (500 pts)

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It's a shame how bad dreads are in this codex. I remember when I first started playing (and had absolutely no idea how to play) I had a dread with my TS vs a WE warband. He ended up saving a squad of Thousand Sons from a BT and actually ended up finishing it off. The end of the battle I had my dread which was immobilized I think (6-7 years ago now) and he had a rhino left.


My point with that story is that although dreads are crazy most of the time, they can be useful (and fun). Plus you're mostly into the painting side and dreads are awesome when well painted or converted. Raptors are so expensive pointswise (even modelwise they're pretty bad too).

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how about bikes of your own or lash prince?


Never thought about that... Are they good against light armor like land speeders and other bikes? I dont really understand the rules yet and dont know whats better than what. I also have alot of tyranid and tau players at the place I game at but havent played them yet except the one tyranid army. He gave me advice to retreat and shoot for tyranids unless they have bio weapons. I actually could have beaten him if I woulda done that but figured I would hold my ground and send my daemon prince to take on the tyrant and have my 2 squads lay down fire on the gaunts.


how about bikes of your own or lash prince?


lash prince? What does that do? I had mine with the mark of Tzneetch and had warp time and winds of chaos as his psy powers.

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Ok awesome thanks. I was gona get the dread off FW thats why its so expensive. Im just trying to grow my army as well. About the posibility of new raptors... They just made citadell fine casts of them and I dont know why they would do that and just make new ones. I hope they get new stuff. The daemon prince looks way better than the old metal ones.


Because Finecast is cheaper than the metal they use and it is relativity easy to switch production of the metal models to finecast.


I don't know if the rumors I have heard are accurate... They are relatively specific however... Good or bad... In the list of new models I was told about Raptors were mentioned but I was told they are going to be released in one of the later waves so those fiencast ones will still be around for over half a year at least. They made the finecast ones because metal stock were running low (I mean stocks of raptors they had sitting in a shed somewhere...) and they want to save money but don't want to release the new raptors yet.

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Because Finecast is cheaper than the metal they use and it is relativity easy to switch production of the metal models to finecast.


I don't know if the rumors I have heard are accurate... They are relatively specific however... Good or bad... In the list of new models I was told about Raptors were mentioned but I was told they are going to be released in one of the later waves so those fiencast ones will still be around for over half a year at least. They made the finecast ones because metal stock were running low (I mean stocks of raptors they had sitting in a shed somewhere...) and they want to save money but don't want to release the new raptors yet.


Oh ok. Cool. Ill probably get the dread and get the paint I need to complete my Daemon Prince. Ill just by the arms for the dread at a later time. Ill save up for some of the new stuff comming out too. Some new terminators would be nice...

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