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Chaos Space Marine legs

Brother Elochai

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I've recently discovered that I am some kind of ebay fiend when it comes to 40k. If it's a decent deal, I'll at least bid. I've pretty much got like two reservations no dark eldar and no dark eldar. Anyway I've recently got piles of random bits for chaos non daemon units I've got a couple whole units but i am pretty much short twenty chaos space marine legs from having twenty completed chaos space marines.


the only problem is, CSM legs are EXPENSIVE, I'm finding them in the price range of $1.50-$3.00 per leg piece, whereas every other piece (helm, torso, bolter, arms, backpacks, even some accessories) can be found for cents per piece.


The weirder thing is that Berzerker legs and possessed legs are just as cheap as the rest of the chaos space marine. I don't spend a lot of time looking at nilla SM legs, but they are also relatively cheap.


(I keep ranting) Even buying some already built CSM's (maybe they are poorly painted, or just primed) for the price comparable to a CSM leg piece($1.50-$3.00)


So......the plight is I don't want to buy CSM leg pieces at such ridiculous prices when using berzerker leg pieces or SM leg pieces are super cheap...

So what do you think? should I kitbash and use some berzerker leg pieces, should I get some plain jane SM pieces and have boring legs or maybe do some greenstuff work on the sm pieces?


Since I'm already typing away, it would seem cost effective to just buy "used" CSM's since they average two bucks a unit, but even if I did that, stripped the paint and pieced them out then I'd still have twenty CSM's and twenty CSM's worth of extra bits.

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Other legs are fine and give extra poses to boot. If you want to fluff it out... Many warbands do not have large or steady supplies of equipment and this includes basic things like armour and bolters so they often scavenge from fallen brothers or dead loyalist scum. Apart from the poses berzerker legs and possessed won't stand out that much and will look suitably chaotic compared to the rest of the marine. Loyalist legs might stand out a bit but as I say just pass it off as scavenged or using other bits or greenstuff do a bit of creative decoration to 'CHAOSIFY' the legs. I don't know what your greenstuff skill is like but mine is pretty poor but by working slowly slowly (and this was one one marine) I made some pretty fancy armour with nice looking cats heads.


In the future it might be easier to buy whole marines unless you get super bargains.




I don't know if your extra bits include any of the mutation sprues but one of mutations is/was a thick tentacle/snake-like arm and that can also be used as a pair of legs if you don't mind some of your marines having mutations.

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I noticed this as well, i think its because a lot of ppl get FW upgrade packs without realising they needed legs with them, making SM bits cheaper and CSM legs more expensive.

My solution was to use bezerker legs or loyalist ones, once there painted its really not a massive difference in a mixed unit.

repuropsed CSM are a perfect answer if you ask me, due to Hellios words on equipment shortages.

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