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Cultists of battle


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I have been building a word bearer force consisting of robed models (from DA sprues) for all my power armor guys, this has left me with a bunch of regular csm bodies, so i figured a fun side project would be to use them for something else.


The idea is that worshippers of the "real" gods should have a faith system, not just a small selection of more or less subpar psychic powers.

Henche the idea of using the SoB codex rules, the whole faith point system falls in nicely with the word bearer fluff, so now im making my csm bodies and green stuffing executioners hoods on them to set the apart, this will let me use the rhinos from my wb force and it shouldnt be too expensive to get another army going.


A lot of cool modeling options also excist (corrupted death cult asassins for instance), the wd codex have some really nice choices imo, outflanking immolators with twin linked multi-meltas, exorcist launchers etc.


My current 1000pt goal has the following in it:



Brother Jacob substitue (any suggestions?)

5 death cults, 2crusaders in a rhino


Kyrinov substitue

5 death cults, 2crusaders in a rhino



10 Battle Cultists

2meltas, rhino


10 Battle Cultists

2meltas, rhino




5 Dominion Cultists

2 Flamers, immolator w/ TL multimelta



What do you think?



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I think you'd get better advice in the Imperium section from SoB players since that is the codex you're using. That said, I also play SoB, and I think you have a lack of Retributors armed with Heavy Bolters. That's my personal preference, because they can rock and roll with their Act of Faith.
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I think you'd get better advice in the Imperium section from SoB players since that is the codex you're using. That said, I also play SoB, and I think you have a lack of Retributors armed with Heavy Bolters. That's my personal preference, because they can rock and roll with their Act of Faith.


Yeah!?!? Well I like exorcists... nothing like rolling 3 6's on the first turn... 3 1's however... that makes me a very sad panda.

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I think you'd get better advice in the Imperium section from SoB players since that is the codex you're using. That said, I also play SoB, and I think you have a lack of Retributors armed with Heavy Bolters. That's my personal preference, because they can rock and roll with their Act of Faith.


Thanks for the feedback, have revised the list to include a squad of heavy bolters and another mm/immo squad at the expense of kyrinov and his squad.


anyway, my reason for posting here was not so much for list feedback (that rightly belong in the army list section of the SoB forum) but to get your thoughts about using the only faith based codex as rules for zealous fanatics.


I was thinking something like renegades in power armor for the fluff, not sure tho.

Need a bit of help comming up with good conversions for the flak armor wearing ones(death cult, crusader, uriah jacobs).

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