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So after removing the Thousand Sons blood feud stuff from the Space Wolves book, it appears that GW decided to add what looks like some sort of bit to the new plastic Thunder Wolf cavalry.




This might not mean much at first glance, but it could suggest that GW will be making new plastic Thousand Sons miniatures instead of just moving them to finecast from the CURRENT range and going back to the "old style" like this:



Closer inspection of the Thousand Sons helm on the wolf bit would suggest that it is a new sculpt entirely (should one believe that it is an exact recast of the old classic rubric miniature). Here is the old miniature for comparison:



The appearance of this Thousand Sons rubric helm on two different Thunderwolf miniatures would lead me to believe that the same bit (or a varient of) is on the actual TWC sprue, and is not just some clever GW conversion.


The fact that White Dwarf mentions it (read the text next to the first picture and you will see "Rubric") also suggests that it is an actual bit included in the TWC box set.


I'm not saying I have any super rumor stuff here because if I did it'd be in the rumor section. It just seems like a hint that GW will not be throwing the Thousand Sons in the background and if they are tying Tsons with Wolves now, there's a good chance they will be sticking to fluff.



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I've been told that New rubrics have been made... I hope this is true because god do I hate those half plastic half metal monsters... Gah...


So they may very well have that kind of look or at least some of them and a lot of new releases have been digging into the 2nd edition of the game.

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There are actually two of them:






The first one seems to be more with a whole torso, more visible here:


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The one including the torso does looks very similar to the original Thousand Sons models. I hope they don't scrap the current style of helms though because I do like that look as well. Though the sooner they get rid of the half metal half plastic sets the better!


p.s. I hope we get given broken and crushed space wolf bits for our bases when we get new stuff. I add my own already but it'd be nice to be officially backed by GW to sport their remains.

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Ooh, I've been out of the picture for a bit, and so, is there anything else of note available from Saturday?

On topic- sad thing is, they are probably just for bases :P Stupid Sphess Puppehs.

Edit- Just checked Warseer. Puppehs, moar puppehs, and nids. Dang

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This might not mean much at first glance, but it could suggest that GW will be making new plastic Thousand Sons miniatures...


Or it could just suggest that Thunderwolf Cavalry are great at running down and slaying you heretical sorcerors! :lol:

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This might not mean much at first glance, but it could suggest that GW will be making new plastic Thousand Sons miniatures...


Or it could just suggest that Thunderwolf Cavalry are great at running down and slaying you heretical sorcerors! :lol:


No if they only have dead rubrics as their feet they apparently are not very good at killing sorcerers... Hell the whole point of Rubrics is to act as a bullet/axe/fang sponge for the sorcerer.

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I'm going to get as many of those little Thousand Sons busts as I can, those heads will suit my needs for conversions nicely! :D


But that means buying Thunderpuppies! :) irony

No, that means trading stuff I don't use to space wolf players for them...I am already basing my rubrics with space wolf bits, so I got plenty, hehe! :D

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I'm going to get as many of those little Thousand Sons busts as I can, those heads will suit my needs for conversions nicely! :D


But that means buying Thunderpuppies! ;) irony

No, that means trading stuff I don't use to space wolf players for them...I am already basing my rubrics with space wolf bits, so I got plenty, hehe! :D

Very cunning (you gotta expect that on the Tzeench part of the forum, I suppose). I wish I had a puppy player to subtly trick into aiding the whims of Tzeench :(...

On topic, it's just like Our Omicent Masters at the GW head office to get all us Sons excited for something, then crush our hopes brutally and expensively. I really need plastic Sons for my Sternguard, so my PH army is on hold until we get some. Lastly, I know it's probably heresy to say this but d@mn, those thunderpuppies actually look cool. For an outrageous price though, no doubt.

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I'm going to get as many of those little Thousand Sons busts as I can, those heads will suit my needs for conversions nicely! :)


But that means buying Thunderpuppies! :tu: irony

No, that means trading stuff I don't use to space wolf players for them...I am already basing my rubrics with space wolf bits, so I got plenty, hehe! :)

Very cunning (you gotta expect that on the Tzeench part of the forum, I suppose). I wish I had a puppy player to subtly trick into aiding the whims of Tzeench :P...

Well if they like Thunderwolf Cavalry I'm sure they won't really mind ;)

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OHMYGODWHATTHEFIRETRUCKBARBEQUE the rubric heads aren't on the TWC sprue! Yes! Plastic Rubrics! Finally! You have NO idea how happy this makes me! Yes! GW, I love you! Who would think I would be so excited about something they didn't include! Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss! The might of Tizca will stand after all!


Sorry all for my outburst, but it's rare I am this happy with GW

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:) Now I feel like a ;). But whats this? The sculpted torso is also present on the TW Wolf Lord- maybe it wasn't just a solitary conversion- even GW wouldn't do exactly the same conversion twice- and if it is a conversion, where's the Torso from? (yes the words ' grasping at straws' spring to mind). The only consolation is that we'll get plastics eventually B)
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:) Now I feel like a ;). But whats this? The sculpted torso is also present on the TW Wolf Lord- maybe it wasn't just a solitary conversion- even GW wouldn't do exactly the same conversion twice- and if it is a conversion, where's the Torso from? (yes the words ' grasping at straws' spring to mind). The only consolation is that we'll get plastics eventually B)
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:) Now I feel like a :P. But whats this? The sculpted torso is also present on the TW Wolf Lord- maybe it wasn't just a solitary conversion- even GW wouldn't do exactly the same conversion twice- and if it is a conversion, where's the Torso from? (yes the words ' grasping at straws' spring to mind). The only consolation is that we'll get plastics eventually :(


Look carefully. The Torso is on the wolf lord, and wolf lord alone. You get a severed head with the TWC.

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:cuss Now I feel like a :cuss. But whats this? The sculpted torso is also present on the TW Wolf Lord- maybe it wasn't just a solitary conversion- even GW wouldn't do exactly the same conversion twice- and if it is a conversion, where's the Torso from? (yes the words ' grasping at straws' spring to mind). The only consolation is that we'll get plastics eventually :(


Look carefully. The Torso is on the wolf lord, and wolf lord alone. You get a severed head with the TWC.

Oh dear, hopes dashed...how tragic :angry: For the record the torso looks like a modified Assault marine varient.

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Yep, the head is new and scratch-made though which again, leads me to believe that if GW takes the time to sculpt a new Tsons rubric for space wolves (even a bit) after not even mentioning "Thousand Sons" in the newest space wolf codex, then they have new gaming rubrics planned.


Of course as others have pointed out on Warseer, GKs have a plague bearer head on a justicar sword but it doesn't mean there are plague bearers being released.

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