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For the record the torso looks like a modified Assault marine varient.

Where does it do that? It looks more like the Mk. V torso meshed with the 2nd ed Thousand Sons head...


The straps on the front and the ball/grill thing in the center look like the assult marine bodies do.

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YES! Thank you for posting this. My friend noticed it in his copy of White Dwarf too. Hopefully new plastic minis would tie in nicely with rumors of an upcoming CSM codex with 6th edition.... Just *really* hope they wouldn't take away our AP 3 bolters :P
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So my snitches have passed along a few bits.


Up next for 40k sounds like may timeframe for a chaos codex. Rumored to expand upon 4 major legions.


New plastics


Chaos dread.


New plastic raptors


New plastic plague bearers


New character sculpts, not sure if abaddon is included...



I think most if not all of this has been mentioned before.


On top of this, I'm hearing there will be a few blister releases for other armies between now and summer. Even with WFB likely to take the spotlight in April, I'm being told to expect 2-3 blisters for 40k.


Likely candidates include missing characters for Nids, Necrons, DE. All of which have sculpts ready.






Emperors children

Death guard

World eaters

Thousand sons


A good enough rumor to make my heart jump, at least for a second.

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