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World Eaters Rhino

Cpt. Zso Sahaal

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After much hard work here is the finished rhino for my berzerkers ~8)










Wish the pictures came out better but at least I have something to update :P

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Excellent stuff!

Please post more pics when you can.

Was it easy? What components did you need? Where did you hide it all?

I'd love to do something like this but my bro' got all the smarts when it comes to circuitry.


If you want the "easy option" just use an LED, a switch and a 1.5V Lithium button cell battery. Join with wires, doneskies!

Just remember the long "leg" on an LED is its positive, and you'll be fine!.


Absolutely incredible rhino Captain! Did you dremmel out behind the lights, or GS the covers once drilled out?


I'm in the process of doing up an Emperors Children Predator myself, combing an MP3 Player and a flashing LED kit. I'll be using some speakers as sponson weapons, and mounting an EC band on the top to count as a turret. The LEDs will be stage lights. Mind you, that project has been a long time in the making. I have everything I need, just not the patience to make the light rigging.


Either way, Kudos! Beautiful model!

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Thanks for the comments! Ill try to post some more pictures later, maybe some that are closer.


@Melekharn- Yes I drilled out behind the lights, I tried to keep as much of the netting that goes over the lights intact however big drill bit+small plastic pieces= something broke. The netting isnt perfect but you cant tell since its a chaosy rhino anyways :)


And the LED's werent incredibly hard, I was messing around with resistors and such but turned out to be too in-depth so I just wired the three bulbs to a switch with the batteries. The batteries only have like 2 hours of light to them but i made them easy to change out. And the wiring on the inside are held to the switch and the LED's by soldering them, and then hot glueing the wires to the inside of the tank. you dont have to but it makes for a more solid model. The doors and weapons on top are even magnetized so the doors dont flop open and the weapons can swivel/be removed or changed out. I hid most of everything inside that empty area where the driver would sit, its amazing what you can fit in there, and drill out a square underneath that so you can change out the batteries when you need to.

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