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Painting blonde and grey hair


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have no tutorial but what i did was mix light flesh tone with yellow and then highlight it by adding in more white. After depending if you want his hair to look clean leave it be or if dirty work in a bit of a brown wash. do not use black wash it will not mix well with the yellow.
The best blond I've seen was for one of the early LotR 'eavy metal tutorials for Legolas around WD250. Essentially you start out with a 50:50 mix codex grey and snakebite leather, then bix in bleached bone for each successive highlight, and finish with watered down brown ink (devlan mud is your best substitute)
The best blond I've seen was for one of the early LotR 'eavy metal tutorials for Legolas around WD250. Essentially you start out with a 50:50 mix codex grey and snakebite leather, then bix in bleached bone for each successive highlight, and finish with watered down brown ink (devlan mud is your best substitute)


Let me guess, this tutorial is no longer available on the GW page due to the paint range change, right? *sigh*

Best bit of advice I ever read was on the B&C (sadly I can't remember from who/a link) that came down to using washes on a white undercoat. Blonde was just using some gryphonne sepia for example. It was amazingly simple and effective though best results were on hair with more detail. In my case it was sister's hair which is well defined with detail so it was quick and easy to get great looking hair (as I'm sure the sisters would appreciate).


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