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Terminators and DoA


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As the topic states, I'm requesting experiences and or opinions on running assault terminators in a Jumper/DoA list. I currently run a 2000 point jumper list with multi-melta attack bikes for support. I'm not going to post my whole list because I don't really want this in the army list section, I'd just kind of like opinions and discussion on how effective it is to run assault terminators in that sort of list.


The unit(s) I'm thinking about replacing in my list are Dante and the Sanguinary Guard. I ran the SG with a power fist and two infernus pistols, and the banner, for 260 points. Dante clocked in at 225. What I'm thinking about doing is dropping Dante down to a second librarian in TDA with a storm shield for 145, freeing up 80 points, and then swapping out the 260 point SG for 6 assault terminators, 3 with TH/SS. I'd also switch the priest I usually run with the SG, who has a JP and LC to a priest with TDA.


The final squad would basically be 6 assault terminators, 3 TH/SS, 3 LC, a SP in TDA, and a librarian with TDA/SS, with rage and a second power (probably fear or might).


So back to my original question. What sort of experience does everyone have running terminators with a mainly jumper/fast moving army. Every other unit in my list has either jump packs or is on a bike. The reason I'm thinking about making the switch is because I've found that the SG is just a tad too squishy... and they don't have the bodies to be able to sustain casualties well. More often than not, no matter whether I start them on the board or DS them in, they always seem to lose a couple members before getting into combat, greatly limiting their effectiveness. As far as Dante goes, I like Dante a lot, however, lately I've had a run of bad luck with him being subjected to instant killing attacks and dying very early in the game. Granted I realize a lot of this is my fault for not positioning him better, but sometimes things don't always go as planned and he simply ends up in base contact with a unit that can instant kill him. The lack of eternal warrior is really the only thing that bums me out about him. I love his hit and run abilities, and have used them to great effect in several games, but he's simply a really expensive model to be dying on turn two because of bad luck with a S8 or higher attack.


I feel like terminators with a librarian and priest would be infinitely more survivable than the SG, thanks to 2+/3++/5++ saves and FNP. I also feel that even though I'd be losing hit and run tactics with Dante and the very nice ability to deepstrike without scattering, a second librarian would still add just as much if not more utility to the army with a second hood, and fear/rage. Also, even though I run a JP force, I deploy the majority of my squads on the table, I usually only keep 2-3 maximum in reserve to arrive where strategically needed. I think I could utilize the terminators in that same way, it wouldn't really matter that they are slow foot sloggers since I can DS them right into the heart of the action.


What's opinions on this? Does it work? Is it effective? Is the lack of DoA on the terminators and their slow speed enough of a deterrent to make it not worthwhile in a fast mobile army?

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I did play-test them, as 10 man strong with 2 CML & 2 CH-F supported by TDA Priest (575p), combat squaded them and made them act as mobile fire base due to relentless. In addition to Dantes DoA (lot of 2+ save). They were sort of rock that my enemy had to either deal with or run from, but expensive rock.
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