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Cult Terminators and legions codex


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So here I sit at work and I ponder making my squad of 8 cult terminators for my growing warband. I recently purchased the sexy forge world upgrade packs and am gonna make a squad of 8 but I'm really nervous that when the legions codex comes out the options will change and my terminators will not be legal anymore. What should I do? I want to paint and make them now!
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I've started to magnetise all of my newer models, simply so I can change their loadout whenever the rules change or I find a combination that works better for me. You can easily get some off eBay, and to save some headaches make sure you get a drill bit of the same size (assuming you have a modelling drill - if not, then get one :)).

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I have conditioned myself to convert/paint quickly so that when changes happen I can rip off arms/repaint minis in a night to conform and adapt.


Long story short, do what you want and spend time to make it look good NOW. It will be no problem to change it.




/absolutly agree.

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I use 3mm diamter by 3mm thick circular magnets on my termi's and they are more than adequate. Also very easy to fit, you just use a 3mm drill in a pinvise and superglue it in. Its also quite easy to line the magnets up in both partsas long as you drill a small hole first which you can "open out" in increments if you need to shift the hole over slightly.

Just be careful to get the polarity correct so that the magnets attract, i got it wrong once in a moment of hilarity (looking back) and had to try and prise the magnet back out without loosing any fingers.

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So here I sit at work and I ponder making my squad of 8 cult terminators for my growing warband. I recently purchased the sexy forge world upgrade packs and am gonna make a squad of 8 but I'm really nervous that when the legions codex comes out the options will change and my terminators will not be legal anymore. What should I do? I want to paint and make them now!


The only wargear change that terminators have had in 13 years is the ability to take combi plasmas with the newest codex.


Youre going to want them with mainly power weapons for when they get furious charge, with 1 in 5 with a fist of some sort. If theyre going in a land raider, have as many pairs of claws as you want.

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