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Plague Marine


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So, I have plenty of basic chaos marines, and I don't want to field the normal bloated style Plague Marines.


What would you consider to be an acceptable conversion, big enough to differentiate them from normal Marines?


Would most people have a problem with basic Chaos Marines that I just say are Plague Marines? I don't have any basic marines in my list to get them confused with.


Paint them green? Would rather not cause that isn't my paint scheme, but it's a thought.


Give them all some bit to unify them? Just have one guy carrying a Nurgle/Cool Icon?


My fluff idea behind them would be that they are some kind of mix between crazed and/or drugged, to represent their extra toughness and fearlessness. Any ideas would be welcome.

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Would most people have a problem with basic Chaos Marines that I just say are Plague Marines?
Around here, yes. Models needs to be clearly represented.


Paint them green?
Since you are already using green, what about an off-white, a brown scheme, even greys? I've seen Nurgloid forces in the past who were painted in these colours and they looked great.


Give them all some bit to unify them? Just have one guy carrying a Nurgle/Cool Icon?
You could paint brand marks of the Nurgle icon on all your models. Or use decals.


My fluff idea behind them would be that they are some kind of mix between crazed and/or drugged, to represent their extra toughness and fearlessness. Any ideas would be welcome.
Drug injectors (usually related to Slaanesh but could work), shields, extra armour plates, mutations in the form of abnormally large muscles (exposed areas only of course).



My 2 Kraks

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This is how I painted mine:

Primer them with white skull and then go crazy with the washes Gryphonne sepia, Thraka green and Devlan mud. Then start to pick out details, and in my case paint one shoulder armour in black and gold, since I run Black legion. In this way they have a look of green amour that has started to corode in different places(different for every mini).

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I've seen some pretty cool emaciated looking Plague Marines, using Zombie bits. You could also mix in some Possessed parts, mainly the legs.


You could take this further, and have a squad of Undead marines, I.e. pretty battered and shot to bits, with skeleton parts as well, led by an Apothechary PLague Champ. These could be in your own colours. I saw some Iron Warriors on b&c like this, can't find the topic now though...



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Drug injectors (usually related to Slaanesh but could work), shields, extra armour plates, mutations in the form of abnormally large muscles (exposed areas only of course).


Oh, that just gave me an idea.


Bane Marines, have a tank of 'Venom'/juice on their back with hoses going to their body. Give them beefy arms, maybe try to truescale them or buff them out some other way.


I think I will try some Ork arms and see how they look. Or would some Chaos Marauder arms work better?


This is coming together in my head, thanks for your help.

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Interesting results.


I've been wondering how to set up a unit of Count-As Plague Marines for my army. I was planning on make them a squad of Apothecaries with Narthecium parts and giving them the backpacks from the Chirugeon upgrade kit (giving the actual Chirugeon to the Champion and the Cipher packs to the rest of the squad). I am only debating on whether to use Dark Angel robes or Templar tabards to help pick them out even more from the rest of the army.


This allows me to use my personal fluff of the Apothecaries leading my chapter to Chaos and trying to use virus-vectored gene-therapies to alter humanity and they still get to use all the FNP rules.

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