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Grand Strategy and Combat Squads

Mr. Bleak

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Hey all, here's a question regarding Grand Strategy and Combat Squads.


So first, setting up the hypothetical:


My army includes a Grand Master, one unit of 10 Paladins, and 2x 5 Marine Strike Squads. I roll for Grand Strategy and get 3, so I give all of my units Counter-Attack.


Now, I intend to Combat Squad my Paladins.


As far as I can tell, Grand Strategy is rolled BEFORE deployment, and Combat Squading is done DURING deployment. Therefore, both Combat Squads of 5 Paladins each would get Counter-Attack as well as both Strike Squads, as the Paladins received Counter-Attack before splitting.


Am I correct?

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From the FAQ:


Q: If a unit is the target of Unyielding Anvil, from the Grand Strategy special rule, and it splits into combat squads, can both combat squads claim objectives?

A: Yes.

So, basically, your answer is yes- any rule you grant units from Grand Strategy will apply to both Combat Squads.

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Using that ruling as precedent, could you also apply that to Cato Sicarius's "Battle Hardened Veterans" special rule? Select one Tac Squad with a veteran skill (Tank Hunters, for example) and have each resulting Combat Squad have the ability?

I believe that the +OR+ answer would have to be - "FAQs for other codexs do not apply to yours". :(

That said, I think it's pretty self-evident that it was true in Codex: Grey Knights before the FAQ, and it's equally true for Codex: Space Marines.

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At what point in the game is "Battle Hardened Veterans" applied to the Tac Squad? It would need to happen at the same time or before when The Grand Strategy is applied.


It doesn't say explicitly, so I would (and have) assume that it's done when you build your list.

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