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Night Lords Daemon Prince


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Brothers. I have a NL Daemon prince primed and im hoping to get him painted within the week. Im aiming for a pale white/grey skin color like that of Nostromo natives and was looking for advice on how to do this. Im thinking rotting flesh might be too greenish and was thinking more along the lines of astronomican grey and a little bit of skull white or mixing the rotting flesh and astronomican grey.




In the next 2 hrs ill upload pics of my painted marines and daemon prince to keep you guys updated with my progress. Tomorrow im going to buy the paint and will go off your suggestions and upload pics through the stages. If this comes out like im imagining its going to look really awesome!


Also the runes on the armor and the blade he has... What colors should I go with? I was going to paint the blade chaos black to try and make it shinier (like obsidian) but have seen that alot of guys are doing the exact same thing. They leave the blade black and paint the runes red (Still keeping that idea) but then im also thinking about making the blade some type of blue with lightning. Might look better as this is a NL daemon prince. The runes in the armor I was thinking of going with enchanted/ice blue and doing the lightning effect.

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I wouldn't worry about what other people has done to much and go with what you think looks best. Black blades may be common but I can't tell you how many blue swords with energy crackling on them I've seen to represent power weapons...


In your mind do you picture his daemon weapon being special (for a daemon weapon...)... Is it so dark that it seems to absorb the light around it... Does it drip some kind of liquid darkness that splutters and turns into acrid smoke as it hits the ground. Maybe a rainbow follows it wherever he swings it.


Have a cool idea or image in your mind and then make that idea reality... If you like your idea don't be put off because someone else has done it... Just paint yours up to make theirs look like it was done by someone with learning disabilities who has no motor function in their hands.


Have you considered using special paint additives. For example you can add stuff to your paint so it will look normal most of the time but (Maybe like the blacks blade you wanted to do but everyone else has done...) but in the right conditions be it light or temperature it will change color or some such other nonsense.

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Does it drip some kind of liquid darkness that splutters and turns into acrid smoke as it hits the ground.

Hey! Get out of my head and stop giving away my ideas you blasted KSon! Just kidding. Uhm, since I have no painting experience I think I'll just provide comic relief.


On topic, Hellios actually came up with some very good and very easy to visualize ideas. Amd the key rule, just go with what you want. I don't know if it will help or not, but do you have any background fluf for the daemon prince in question? Maybe the answer for his appearance lies in there somewhere. Maybe he is all dark and gloomy and carries a bright pink sword into battle because it throws the manly Space Whelps off guard as they follow the pretty blade. It is all up to you, the painter and player(maybe?) of this model.

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I wouldn't worry about what other people has done to much and go with what you think looks best. Black blades may be common but I can't tell you how many blue swords with energy crackling on them I've seen to represent power weapons...


In your mind do you picture his daemon weapon being special (for a daemon weapon...)... Is it so dark that it seems to absorb the light around it... Does it drip some kind of liquid darkness that splutters and turns into acrid smoke as it hits the ground. Maybe a rainbow follows it wherever he swings it.


Have a cool idea or image in your mind and then make that idea reality... If you like your idea don't be put off because someone else has done it... Just paint yours up to make theirs look like it was done by someone with learning disabilities who has no motor function in their hands.


Have you considered using special paint additives. For example you can add stuff to your paint so it will look normal most of the time but (Maybe like the blacks blade you wanted to do but everyone else has done...) but in the right conditions be it light or temperature it will change color or some such other nonsense.


I would imagine the blade to be black and evil as if it were forged in the warp itself from some strange black metal! Im looking for a black similar to obsidian arrowheads. Maybe use Citadell Gloss Varnish to add that extra shine/gloss to it?

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... Is it so dark that it seems to absorb the light around it...


Its somewhat like a black hole idea. It absorbs all light but is somehow visable through a shimmer. HAHAHAHA I probably sound like a nut case!

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If it is absorbing light "like a black hole" it'll be a very mat black fyi.


If you are trying to attempt a result somewhat akin to obsidian gloss varnish is key, with absolutely little to no highlights. Maybe a black-blue at the most. If you want to get bold the actual edge can be picked out in boltgun metal or simply left as is. These keypoints were used in painting my Lord Knightmare's darkblade for example.




Hope that helps.

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