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Fighting Necrons


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So next week I'll be fighting a 1500-point battle of 40K against the new Necrons... Not having played against either the new ones or the old ones I have no idea what I'm going to be dealing with (except the fact that the Monolith can hurt.)


I know my opponent will most likely field:


A Necron Lord (I don't now the load-out)

Lyche Guard

Warriors (about 20-30)

Several Destroyers

At least one Monolith..


So can anyone tell me which troops would be best to use against Necrons? I myself was thinking of taking Sanguinary Guard to deal with the Lyche Guard and help were they are most needed and at least one Furioso Dreadnought to take on the Monolith in close combat...


Any suggestions are more then welcome.


In His name!


PS: Just got the new White Dwarf... Is there anyone who can think of an excuse to add the new Fenrisian Wolves/Thunderwolf Cavalry models? :3

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Necrons are really good at dealing with lower AV at long range and all kinds of AV at close range. They suck in CC and doesn't have any low cost ways to deal with FnP marines. You can either close with them real quickly and dominate them in CC or try to slug it out at long distance with some AV13 spam. DoA is very strong against necrons, even vs tailored lists. They have many ways to deal damage to individual models though, so watch out.
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I've only played against them once and the infantry isn't really much to be scared of. Warriors are a 4+ save, the Lychguard and Destroyers will be 3+ If you can knock an entire unit down it doesn't get to role for 'Will be Back'. The rank and file is all Initiative 2 so you'll always be hitting them first as well. I'd say weight of firepower and maximising hits in close combat is a must so probably some chaplain lead assault marines and death company would go down nicely.


I've never personally faced a Monolith but I imagine lascannons and possibly melta would be essential. Just be aware of scarabs if he has any of them, I got caught out here. They are beasts so will assault 12" and for every hit they remove a point of armour from vehicles or the armour save of infantry models.

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Scarabs are a bit more complicated than that. They only remove a point of vehicle armor on a 4+ for each hit. Devestating, but relevant to know it's not automatic. They also only remove a save if you fail it, so usually unless it's muliple wounds it's not particularly relevant. Scarabs die horribly in close combbat w/ infantry though, so that's a good way to deal with them.


Necrons are pretty varied, do you have any more specifics about his configuration? Otherwise, general advice is be sure to finish things off so they can't reanimate. Anything you can do that affects their leadership is handy. Close combat resolution is very nasty vs. them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So.. I played the match and.. Kinda won.. I know for sure now that:


1. Necrons are afraid of close combat

2. Necrons have lots of little annoying gadgets.


It was a really exciting game so for now I'll at least tell you guys about the highlights:


1. A 5 man Death Company squad drawing the fire from 4 Destroyers, a Monolith and 10 Immortals and only losing two of their members.

2. My opponent still having 4 standing Immortals (and 2 downded) and failing all 6 of his armour saves, wiping the squad out.

3. The Sanguinary Guard (and Dante) Deep Striking to destroy the Monolith in turn 2

4. Dante, his lone surving Sanguinary Guard, Sanguinary Priest and an Assault Marine Squad carving their way trough 20 Immortals, 10 Warriors, a Command Barge and 4 Destroyers.

5. 4 Destroyers taking aim at Dante (who only has one wound left) only to miss all of their shots.

6. Over fifteen marines falling to the Necron Lord with Scythe on his Command Barge..

7. Dante beating the crap out of his own Sanguinary Guard for 3 turns due to 10 point Scarabs.

8. The game ending in turn 7 (it actually ended in turn 5 with a Necron-victory) when Dante and his 4 survivors (3 tactical marines 1 Sanguinary Priest) were able to slay the last Destroyer and Necron Lord.


Exciting game! Next time I'll win for sure!

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Watch out for mind-shackle scarabs, one of the most annoying thing in Cron 'dex (LD on 3D6, if failed single model in B2B with MSC bearer attacks his own unit/ himself). There is a way how to make some court unit almost full of them (3-4) it’s just annoying as they do their attacks + most of your own guys attack their own units + lose all their offensive ability.
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Watch out for mind-shackle scarabs, one of the most annoying thing in Cron 'dex (LD on 3D6, if failed single model in B2B with MSC bearer attacks own unit/ himself). There is a way how to make some court unit almost full of them (3-4) it’s just annoying as they do their attacks + most of your own guys attack their own units + lose all their offensive ability.


Yeah he used these :blush: things! He was also able to get his Lord which had them in base contact with only Dante for most of the time. After turn three I got lucky though and I started saving my leadershiptest :). Later on I was able to get more models in base contact and that certainly helped!

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I am a GK player, but saw this topic and thought I would add my recent findings.


After advice from several of the GK players, I was given the following advice.


  • Kill an entire squad one at a time. Don't give them chance to get back up, kill 'em all!!!
  • Use templates against Scarabs, don't let them get in range.


I stayed out of CC as much as possible, only taking a small Paladin squad.


The rest of my squads pumped SB and Psycannon fire into them until they all fell over ^_^

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In my experience fighting Necrons, very few armies can out shoot them. Grey Knights are one of those that can.


As noted, Necrons fold over worse then Tau in close combat. I usually don't manage to kill them all in close combat, but I usually win by a significant margin, and they fail their leadership test allowing me to sweep and wipe them out.


Use templates on Scarabs, and if you have to, sacrifice a small unit to tie the scarabs up in close combat. I have a five man assault squad with jump packs armed with a flamer and hand flamer. Their entire job- intercept and kill scarabs.


If you can get a Furisio with Blood Talons into CC with Necrons, he can walk through the entire unit.


I don't really take anything else special when dealing with Necrons. For the most part, dealing with them is a lot like dealing with any other army for the Blood Angels- close as fast as you can and assault.


The annoying parts about Necrons are all the wargear and special character options that screw with night fighting rules, making your models attack themselves, etc. etc.


Necron models I fear the most: Immortals with Tesla Carbines, and Wraths with Whip Coils.

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