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New Guy, Illinios


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Greetings from the beyond, I am your angry neighbor madeofhate. I am 19 years old and I've been playing 40k for about 3-4 years now. I play spackies (Space Marines), but I have experience with the Imperial Guard and 4th Ed Battle Sisters. Still have the models too. (Not the Imperial Guard Though) The Gameroom in Washington, IL is basically where I play and run Dark Heresy. Just to let you know, I have horrible luck with dice, especially the d6. All of my Lascannon shots either miss or fail to penetrate! Though I've been having better luck with the Sternguard Veterans and their special issue ammunition. (Yay!!! Hellfire Rounds!) I paint occasionally minis and try to come up with fluff for them, but right now I live in a dictatorship of a household and still stuck there. There is a reason why I AM MADE OF HATE!!!!!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!! THONGS FOR THE THONG GOD!!!!! :P
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Hail and welcome, brother! I have a Dark Heresy thread over at the Other Games subforum which you might find useful (or at least an entertaining read). :P

Just to let you know, for some odd reason the maturity level of my players is low enough that if they encounter any Battle-Sisters, they end up beat in their sleep or willingly impregnated. This is a Banisher mind you.

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Just to let you know, for some odd reason the maturity level of my players is low enough that if they encounter any Battle-Sisters, they end up beat in their sleep or willingly impregnated. This is a Banisher mind you.


Woah. I do not envy you. :P

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for some odd reason the maturity level of my players is low enough that if they encounter any Battle-Sisters, they end up beat in their sleep or willingly impregnated. This is a Banisher mind you.


"Sister" is just one part of the title. Maybe they should be reminded that it is preceded by "Battle"? As a sometime GM I'll let my players attempt anything they'd like, they just need to be prepared for the consequences. Dark Heresy is a game where "consequences" should be frequent, terrible, and creative...

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Cruel and unusual punishment is what I'd go for, for such transgressions. beat is not acceptable as a player action (it belies a lack of imagination). beat in a players backstory is also not acceptable (because no-one who has ever had the experience to genuinely say what it was like would use it as a backstory). Such instances should be made examples of as painfully as possible (for the offending character/player). Like I said, brother, I do not envy you.
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Cruel and unusual punishment is what I'd go for, for such transgressions. beat is not acceptable as a player action (it belies a lack of imagination). beat in a players backstory is also not acceptable (because no-one who has ever had the experience to genuinely say what it was like would use it as a backstory). Such instances should be made examples of as painfully as possible (for the offending character/player). Like I said, brother, I do not envy you.

The Banisher was castrated by a Concussion Mace. Think of it as a mini-Thunder Hammer. The Oblationist boyfriend decided enough was enough.

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for some odd reason the maturity level of my players is low enough that if they encounter any Battle-Sisters, they end up beat in their sleep or willingly impregnated. This is a Banisher mind you.


"Sister" is just one part of the title. Maybe they should be reminded that it is preceded by "Battle"? As a sometime GM I'll let my players attempt anything they'd like, they just need to be prepared for the consequences. Dark Heresy is a game where "consequences" should be frequent, terrible, and creative...

I'm getting a hang of these punishments with something called the "God-Hand" rule. Everyone pitches in, as in the players.

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The Banisher is no more, but he was possesed and turned into a Daemonhost. Surprisingly the group killed it with ease. Though it did hurt the team a little bit.(The Hive Mutant being hurt badly and knocked unconcious by a backhand to the chest.)
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