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Brass Scorpion

Garden Ninja

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Here's a Brass Scorpion that I did for a commission a little while ago. I really enjoyed doing all kinds of crazy freehand and filling those panels. Filling them with grotesque images that would please Khorne was really quite a bit of fun, and worked well with the theme that the mini already has going for it.


Anyway, here he is, with a slew of detail shots.


Also, I've posted him up on CMON for anyone who cares to vote.









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Great googa-mooga...

Surely you mean great "Emperor" ;)


@OP: Now that is dedication, if I had a top hat, it would be off to you sir :wacko:


Oh, no. If anything he should be admonishing Khorne right now. Although if googa-mooga turns out to be the chaos god of painting, well...



By the way, I can't remember exactly how long this took, but I think it was something above sixty hours. I paint full time, so it was a little over a week.

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Truly amazing. I've seen your paintjob all over the internet. Absolutely brilliant.


PS. Where did you get that lovely base?


I made the base out of a clock I got from Walmart. Basically, I took the clock apart and it created two huge lipped bases.


I've used similar ones on some of the dragons that I've painted.

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  • 1 month later...
Goodness gracious me. The 80's called - they want their kick-ass heavy metal album cover back! That, brother, is well worth a ten on CMoN. I doff my cap to you, sir. ;)



Ok, I missed this comment the first time around. Thanks. I really feel that Iron Maiden captured the Khorne look for me.


But then again, I started playing Chaos back when there was a metal band with a 40k album cover...

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