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My new Death Company's adventure with Tamiya Clear Red


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I had wanted to add these guys to my vow, but they were over the 50% limit. :/ I've resolved that if I can still finish my vow now that these guys are done, I'm going to buy myself a Storm Raven. :3





Brother Skorven the Ornery




Probably my least favorite of the squad. His helmet's grille is miscast and a bit mushed up. I've been calling him Brother Smushface.



I've always liked the old school pictures of the Blood Angels with checkermark patterns on their bolters.




to quote the internet: "lol he mad."



However, not as mad as this guy.


Have you ever been so mad, you ripped a Black Legionnaire apart with your bare hands?



And finally, the big guy himself, bringing a whole new meaning to the term "anger management," Lemartes. Also my first concerted attempt at Object Source Lighting. I wanted it to be a little subdued. I didn't think the glow from his lenses would travel very far past his face.


I'm pretty pleased with how this shoulder pad came out.



Say "umadbro" again. Say it again, I dare you. I double-dare you.


C&C welcome and highly appreciated.

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It's a trick I picked up here on B&C. I forget who posted it, but they painted a reeeeally nice version of that FW World Eater Terminator guy, replete in gore. Basically take a strand of hair. Just pluck one off your head. Run it through some superglue and hang it off of something to dry. The glue strengthens the strand so it holds shape and also dries into perfect little spherical beads. After it dries, dip the strand in some Tamiya Clear Red a few times, letting each coat dry before the next dip. After a couple it should start looking nice. Just take your hobby knife, cut to size and glue into place.
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It's a trick I picked up here on B&C. I forget who posted it, but they painted a reeeeally nice version of that FW World Eater Terminator guy, replete in gore. Basically take a strand of hair. Just pluck one off your head. Run it through some superglue and hang it off of something to dry. The glue strengthens the strand so it holds shape and also dries into perfect little spherical beads. After it dries, dip the strand in some Tamiya Clear Red a few times, letting each coat dry before the next dip. After a couple it should start looking nice. Just take your hobby knife, cut to size and glue into place.
That's actually pretty ingenious since hair is quite durable.
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It's a trick I picked up here on B&C. I forget who posted it, but they painted a reeeeally nice version of that FW World Eater Terminator guy, replete in gore. Basically take a strand of hair. Just pluck one off your head. Run it through some superglue and hang it off of something to dry. The glue strengthens the strand so it holds shape and also dries into perfect little spherical beads. After it dries, dip the strand in some Tamiya Clear Red a few times, letting each coat dry before the next dip. After a couple it should start looking nice. Just take your hobby knife, cut to size and glue into place.
That's actually pretty ingenious since hair is quite durable.



It is at that. In fact I transported the mini in my case full of ramshackle foam and was pleased to see that the hair still retains some spring, and bounces back into place a bit rather than becoming overly rigid and snapping. If you mean the main part of the blood splash, Emperor's Instrument, not the hair droplet effect, it's just creative greenstuffing. I make the basic shape by hand and then use my tweezers to pinch and stretch it to shape. Then I basecoated it with red gore, undercoating with mechrite to make sure it stuck, then drybrushed with blood red. Hit it with a devlan mud wash, then another blood red drybrush, then a very light blazing orange drybrush followed by a baal red wash. Then I slathered the whole thing with good old Tamiya clear red because I was having way too much fun with it, but it may have made the painstaking paint process a bit superfluous. Or it may have added depth to it, I dunno. I guess it's up for interpretation. I have very little experience with Tamiya.

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Wow, this is some great work. I love the beheading model and would like to try out your method for the gore myself but it would never survive as a gaming piece that you have to put away in a case. It sure does make for one hell of a show piece in a diarama (a leat I think I spelled it right).
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Wow, this is some great work. I love the beheading model and would like to try out your method for the gore myself but it would never survive as a gaming piece that you have to put away in a case. It sure does make for one hell of a show piece in a diarama (a leat I think I spelled it right).



Actually I did transport and use that very mini in the 25th anniversary tournament at my local GW. As long as the foam fit's not TOO snug, the hair retains quite a bit of spring.

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As with everyone else, I absolutely love the gore. What also catches my eye are the chequered bolt pistol and the seals (especially on the marine with the chequered pistol). The shading (texturing?) is well done and the blood spatter is a nice touch. Great job overall - I'd hate to see you on the other side of a table, I'd back off immediately :P
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My own hair?!?! I'm actually a hobby material?!??! That's incredible, how the hell does one end up testing that idea in the first place and finding it works?


Cheers Taz, I'll be testing that on a diorama at some point I'm sure.


Right that's it! I'm setting up a shop selling my hair! There has to be bald men in hobby, they may need me to sell them some!

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Thanks for all the props, guys. I'm really glad you liked my "beheading" conversion. I just hope my next project turns out as well. It's nice to have something I worked for a while on garner such a positive response. :teehee: Gives me hope that I'll be able to pull off some Redfinger or winterdyne-level stuff one day.
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