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Battle report?

grandmaster lisander

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Ok so I have never posted a battle report here, nor have I played a sold game with the new blood angels codex (work/life etc). i have had several small point games (about 800pts) and ive done very well. on 24 Feb. 12 me and a friend sat down and battled it out, both trying experimental list. I don’t have the exact point value for both sides but ill list the number of models and the step by step of our 5 turn game.


Game type: annihilation


Turns: 5


Number of players: 2


Army#1: Black Templers


Army#2: blood angels



Emperor’s champion


5 assault terminator with lightning claws and one storm shield and thunder hammer


2 rhinos with storm bolters


1 vindicator with siege shield and storm bolter


2 land speeder typhoons with heavy bolters


2 8 man squads of initiates with 1 melta and one power weapon in each squad


1 land raider crusader with multi melta


1 predator with twin link las-cannon and two heavy bolters


1 iron clad dreadnaught with power fist and assault cannon


1 dreadnaught with power fist and assault cannon


1 dreadnaught with twin linked las cannon and missile launcher



Army list #2




1 ten man assault squad with infernos pistol and power fist


1 5 man assault squad with power sword


1 sanguinary guard squad with banner, infernos pistol


1 death company dreadnaught


1 five man death company squad with thunderhammer


1 Baal predator with 2 heavy bolters, storm bolter, and hunter killer missile


1 CONTEMPTOR DREADNOUGHT with storm bolter and flamer


1 sanguinor (just to see how he played)


1 dreadnaught with twin linked las and power fist


1 5 man devastator squad with 4 las cannons


Turn one:


BA has south east corner and BT has North West of the table. Between the two players there is a large city in the center


BA has Death Company, death company dreadnaught, sanguinor and sanguinary guard in reserve.


BT takes the role and BA is unable to steal the initiative. BT's 3 dreadnaughts, predator and 2 typhoons skirt the city limits on the west side. The land raider and 2 rhinos skirt to the east side of the city.


BA has all squads have rolled for red thirst and they are consumed by it, the five man assault squad sergeant receives the sanguinors blessing. The ten man assault squad is broken down into 2 5 man squads (assault A1 and assault B1). BA sends devastators, dreadnaught and Baal predator skirting the east side of the city. Mephiston, contemptor and 5 man assault squad enter the city through the south east corner. A1 and b1 skirt the south west side of the city.




BT brings his 3 dreadnaughts into the city and gains line of sight on the five man assault squad and Mephiston. The typhoons move and gain line of sight on a1 and a2. The iron clad dreadnaught opens fire on mephiston with his assault cannon and causes 2 wounds. The las/missile dreadnaught gains 2 kill on the five man assault squad. Typhoons open fire on a1 and wipe all but 1 man out.


BA roles to see if deep striking units come into play, death dreadnaught and sanguinary guard deploy. Death company dread drops behind the 2 parked rhinos, sanguinary guard drop near the north east corner. Mephiston moves up to the middle of the city with the contemptors close on his heels. The devastators take up a building on the north east corner and set up fighting positions. The dreadnaught and Baal predator continue to skirt the city headed north. A1 and b1 moves closer to the typhoons while the five man squad moves closer to the dreadnaughts.


Turn three:


BT moves typhoons to gain better shots at a1 and b1, dreadnaughts move to gain line of sight on mephiston. Deploys terminators and emperor’s champion, rhinos drop off both squads of troops. Land raider shoots at mephiston with multi melta and whirlwind bolters and gains one wound on mephiston. Both squads open fire on death company dreadnaught with their meltas. One misses and the second gains a penetrating hit and blows the dreadnaught up.


BA moves mephiston and contempter into close range of the land raider, the remnants of a1 and b1 close with the typhoons but are outside of assault range. The Baal predator and dreadnaught open fire on the land raider but only scratch its paint. Sanguinary guard move to close with the terminators but are unable to get within assault range.


Turn four:


BT moves his terminators and empires champion into assault range of the sanguinary guard. The typhoons kill the last man from a1. The predator moves to gain line of site on the contemptor. Terminators assault the sanguinary guard with the emperor’s champion, wiping them out and one go and taking no wounds.


BA roles for deep strike, Death Company and the sanguinor deploy from deep strike, death company lands near the 2 8 man squads and kills 3 of the initiates with bolt pistol fire. Sanguinor lands at the north side of the city behind the land raider. Mephiston attacks the land raider but deals no damage.


Turn 4:


BT moves terminators and emperors champion to engage the sanguinor but is outside of assault range. The typhoons move to the North West corner of the city, the three dreadnaughts move to engage mephiston. Both squads of initiates assault DC and wipe them out, taking only 2 loses. Twin linked las predator fires at contempter but is unable to bring it down.


BA Baal predator fires at the iron clad dreadnaught and destroys it. B1 moves to try to close with the typhoons but is unable to get into assault range. Sanguinor assaults terminator squad and kills all but the emperor’s champion. Mephiston is still unable to do any damage to the land raider.


At this point it was 2200 hrs and we decided to end the match


BA losses: 7 assault marines, 5 sanguinary guard, 5 death company marines, and 1 death company dreadnaught.


BT losses: 3 initiates, 5 terminators and one iron clad.


Win goes to the Black Templers


So not the best of games ive ever played, but all it was an eye opener, i do need more time to learn how to use larger forces with this codex, as well as makeing a battle list that realy works. any sugestions?

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for starters i'd drop Sanguinor for Astorath and swap .fists for p.swords. If you roll red fury P.swords will be great on the charge. plus 2 chars with no protection is always a bad way to start. and drop the sang guard, massive points sink and not a great deal of use.


And against lots of vehicles save yourself 5 points and take melta guns instead of pistols. you want to pop them from a distance instead of charge them and 3" melta is rubbish.


What i tend to do just for poops and laughs is run 10 DC with p.weps in a storm raven, with Astorath, reroll hits and wounds?..... yes please, drop them in front of a big squad and laugh as the enemy gets ripped apart by your psychotic vampires.


a sang priest probably wouldn't hurt either tbh, useful to have hiding behind your squads for the FnP and FC.


you want to have your Baal pred in reserve also, bring him on and blast the vindicator up the arse with your Assault Cannon or swap him out with flamers and vapourise a squad on turn 2 when he arrives, I played this method with 2 of them in a tournament and ended up killing all the enemies troop choices before he took both of them down.

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How did Mephiston attack a landraider without doing anything?

Well, he could have failed to cast Sword, rolled badly to hit (say the LR moved more than 6 inches needing 6s can suck), rolled bad to penetrate.


Its possible to fail there with 1 bad roll.

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