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Marines Malevolent Test Model 2!

Noctus Cornix

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Ok, so I'm not exactly on for painting (I loathe it with a passion) but lately I've been trying to break the fear and paint my horde of grey plastic models.


So first I wanted to start with a Marines Malevolent model, primarily because my dear friend Heathens got me into making an army of them *shakes fist towards him in rage* Damn you Heathens!!!!


So anyway, the weathering and battle damage is inspired by Heathens and his army. I know it's not very good but I tried my best.


Please give me some feedback, brothers.















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Been in the wars, ain't he?!

I really like the pose. The look on his face, a bit (very?) bedraggled and tired but determined to ram that knife into one more gut. The ammo bandoleer is really nice too.

He does look dirty as hell, but from Heathen's MMs I get the idea that that's how they should be! In which case I'd say it's a good start. With this kind of thing you'll only get better as you do more and get a better idea of what you want and what you can do.

Looking forward to more!

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As mentioned, the face looks great; almost as if a bolter round took off a chunk of his face, very brutal, man. The pose looks great as well, love it. As for the filth / rust, to help it bleed out into realism, I'd suggest painting the armour as if the paint has been chipped away. It helps take away from the filth as much, but helps reinforce that he's taken a hell of a beating. The sponge method works well, or (tootin' my horn a bit here, heh) you could follow the method I use in my MM thread.


Again, love where you are going with these guys, bro. Glad you finally got crackin' on this project too, lol. Can't wait to see more!

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Kierdale- Thanks man I really appreciate the support. I know its not the best weathering, but you're right. I just need to put more practice into it and I'll get it down eventually.


Peacekeeper- Glad you like it. I have to admit I am pretty proud of his face, if anything else. :)


Keith- Will do!


Hellios- Well actually it's supposed to be like rust more so than mud, but I get what you mean. I agree it doesn't seem very natural but I'll try to get better at it with time.


Tellos05- Appreciate the support man. I know, the battle damage might have been a bit much. I'll try to work on that some more too. The flesh scaring is not too hard actually. All you need to do is start with just wrecking the scarred part with a hobby knife. Make sure the lines flow with where the impact moved through or exploded from. Then start with a base coat of watered down beastial brown, then a nice coat of blood red. One good wash of Baal red, then a thick wash of devlin mud (make sure it gets in the lines), hightlight the inner area with beastial brown than the last touch up of a little bit of black to show burn marks.


I also added in a dab of watered down white over the eye and just a hint of varnish to give it that glassy look to make it look like he's blind in that eye.



1000heathens- I actually did go for your method, but it didn't turn out so well. I think I'm gonna give the sponge method a try next. also..... Answer my PMs! I was worried! :P


zxyogi- I won't let you down. ;)



Thank you guys once again for all the wonderful feedback. I'll make sure my next marine will learn from the mistakes and take the advice.

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Very good, but it could use a point of contrast. If his base was pristine by comparison, it'd make him look even better, but usually a chapter symbol or something would be given extra care not to be damaged? I dunno.


Maybe a trickle of blood coming down from his hairline would work too.

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No, especially when there's no dirt on the model. Its rust.


So you don't want feedback, then? Might want to change the first post...


Anyway, if that's supposed to be rust:


1) It doesn't look like rust (has the wrong texture). Some stippling might help.

2) It's the wrong color for rust. Should be more red. Assuming it's iron-based, anyway.

3) How the hell would he get that rusty? And why would half his knife be rusty and the other half be fine?

4) Space Marine armor is made of ceramite. Ceramite is a ceramic. Ceramics don't rust.


Oh: and a note on the wound. When I originally spotted it, I thought it was more dirt. I think a bit of bone poking through might highlight the difference a bit more.

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Yes I should have said corrosion instead of rust. That was an error on my part

1. Ya it doesn't have the right texture. Its a thing I need to work on

2. Corrosion of yellow paint would look brown and the staining through would have a slight orange in the mix, but it wouldn't look red. That's magnetite.

3. Years of constantly using the same armor and equipment in battle and not bothering to clean it but the knife was an accident.

4. No you are right ceramics don't rust, but paint corrodes and any corrosion of the metal beneath the ceramite can bleed through cracks and stain the ceramic.


See this is feedback. This is what I wanted to get. Not some sketchy one line with a wink emote that leads me to believe you are insinuating the model looks like its covered in ;).

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1. Ya it doesn't have the right texture. Its a thing I need to work on


Like I said: stippling. I'm not 100% sure it's the best option, but it'll make it look less like dirt.


2. Corrosion of yellow paint would look brown and the staining through would have a slight orange in the mix, but it wouldn't look red. That's magnetite.


More red, not all red. Reddish, if you will. And I consider orange to be reddish. ;)


3. Years of constantly using the same armor and equipment in battle and not bothering to clean it but the knife was an accident.


He doesn't clean his armor? Have the Techmarines been told?


4. No you are right ceramics don't rust, but paint corrodes and any corrosion of the metal beneath the ceramite can bleed through cracks and stain the ceramic.


Plausible enough. :P ;)


See this is feedback. This is what I wanted to get. Not some sketchy one line with a wink emote that leads me to believe you are insinuating the model looks like its covered in censored.gif.


I was (though I mean it entirely in the technical sense). :P It's the color you chose. If you wanted it to be dirt, I'd go with something more black, more red, or more grey. As is, it looks...un-dirtlike. Of course, since it's not supposed to be dirt, the color's less of an issue. So don't worry about it.


Some metal around the edges of some of the corrosion might help make it look more, well, corroded. Stippling a lighter brown or an orange on might also work well. Or both. Or add some fine-grained sand. Or going with metal, then stippling the brown on top. Or you could try stippling metal on top of the brown (or perhaps have a few metallic scratches in it) to look like it corroded, then got scraped.

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I Appreciate the support man. The flesh scaring is not too hard actually. All you need to do is start with just wrecking the scarred part with a hobby knife. Make sure the lines flow with where the impact moved through or exploded from. Then start with a base coat of watered down bestial brown, then a nice coat of blood red. One good wash of Baal red, then a thick wash of devlin mud (make sure it gets in the lines), highlight the inner area with bestial brown then the last touch up of a little bit of black to show burn marks.


I also added in a dab of watered down white over the eye and just a hint of varnish to give it that glassy look to make it look like he's blind in that eye.


And now you have yourself a lovely little scar to show off to all the ladies. :P

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So, as many people said, there were some issues with my corrosion and battle damage, and while I am proud of the overall job on the model, I can't help but agree with them on this matter.

So this is Marines Malevolent paint scheme 2.0, using Heathen's more refined system as seen on his command squad. I'm way happier with how this version came out. Feels like it has more depth to me.

Note, I tried to make it look as though the right eye lense is dulled and darkened out to show that it is no longer functioning properly.

Thoughts, brothers?

















Enjoy. :)

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