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Marines Malevolent Test Model 2!

Noctus Cornix

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Sorry to double post, but I had a question for my brothers. What do you guys feel would be the most appropriate base work for these Marines? I'm getting some mixed ides ranging from muddy WWI Trench Warfare (which was what I originally intended) to something pristine and clean to contrast with the model. My question is what do you guys think?
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Not mud. I think your chances of people confusing corrosion with mud go up rather precipitously. Unless you do grey mud and spatter some more on the guy for contrast.


I'd recommend some tiles with rubble scatter across them.

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Plasticard, linoleum... really, anything plastic, generally flat, with a little thickness. Cut into squares roughly the same size, cut a few to look shattered, add sand in between the cracks, and voila! Epic baseing.


Edit: I got your message, bro, lol. Was eating dinner, got to get the kids into the tub, then into bed. I'll drop you a line after that.

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Nice work.the effect is cool! Corrosion,you could base them on a death world theme, green pools of corrosive slime type thing. The only gripe i have is....had this with Heathens lol..PA being rusty?! I Dont think it fits but as the saying goes Its your Army! But again what you have done works and looks good!
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The second guy, the beakie, the front tip of his (right?) foot is clean, when one would expect that part to be the dirtiest. Also, you could try adding an accent of brighter color to the functioning eye lens. It's completely flat right now, though I understand adding details to eye lenses is pretty much the hardest part of painting space marines. Other than that, its a great improvement over the first model.
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