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Pre/Mid Heresy World Eaters


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So I'm considering making a pre-heresy World Eaters army for a huge campaign the Battle Bunker here in Seattle is having. Basically the goal is to build and paint a pre-heresy or mid-heresy army, loyal or traitor, and use the army in campaign battles and historical battles during the heresy. Each army has a special rule depending on what legion you have chosen and stuff like that. I'm most interested in the painting and modeling aspects of it, and the painting contests. My question is this: When did the bunny ear helmets and the red paint come into play? Fluff wise, would a World Eater's army have bunny ears and red paint, bunny ears and pre heresy paint scheme, pre heresy scheme with no bunny ears, or red armor with no bunny ears? i'm thinking about using my forgeworld Khorne berserkers upgrade to make the world eaters but paint them in the pre heresy scheme. Would that be unfluffy? I look forward to hearing from those more knowledgeable than myself. Thanks in advance!
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I think I remember seeing a mid-heresy Khârn piece done for FFG with bunny ears and pre-heresy colors. I could be misremembering though as I can't find it on google, though there is a similar one without credits.


If there is no hard fluff, I say do what you want. I did read a short story that showed them mid heresy as allowing their legion to have either color scheme or a mix of both. So some parts were painted red, while others remained white or blue.

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I find that depiction very, very strange...Bunny ears are a representation of the Khornate rune, having Khârn wear them on his helmet makes little sense. Until now, though, to my memory, none of his mentions in the HH novels say anything about his helmet.


I'd say no bunny ears, if it's pre-Heresy. Definitely.

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Oh wow...I didn't know it was actually canon. Well, I think I'm going to paint one white and blue and see how it looks, and maybe get people's opinions on it before I paint the whole force that way. Unless I find some specific reference saying they had the Khorne helmets in their pre-heresy colors.
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The CCG and Visions books, while being canon, have been subject to numerous changes. This is due either to some artistic liberty taken by the illustrators (there's a Daemon Prince in Terminator armour and with a backpack) or to incorrect instructions given by the game's developers. Personally, I lean more towards the first.


Look at Argel Tal:




ADB didn't follow this art piece for the character's appearance.


Again, to my memory, Khârn wears a "regular" Space Marine armour. And those "ears" are pretty obviously a "primitive" form of Khornate ears, which makes little sense since the adornments worn by Khorne devotees are a depiction of his rune and not inspired by Khârn.

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The same artwork that depicted a Pre Heresy Khârn wearing an Arx helm also depicts Magnus the Red (also known as Cyclopean Magnus) as just having one eye and an empty socket despite numerous sources describing him as having a single baleful eye in his forehead. Recons blow. Anyhoo..


If you are aiming for a Heresy era World Eaters force I think you're in for a artist's dream come true. I'd stick with pre-heresy and heresy era gear in standard Blue and White, but work in blood spatter and still wet skulls upon their person. Maybe unify them all by making their right gauntlets red (this is a practice that persists among the WE warbands even now). The Khornate rune painted on flat areas of armor in blood would be cool, or maybe pepper in just a few of the Khorne rune shoulderpads from FW to show the shift in manufacture while also getting more skulls on your guys.


Just a few thoughts. Good luck and let us see how it goes ya?

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The only World Eaters who would have been gladiators would have been those who were slaves at the same time as when Angron immediately took/forced into taking control of his Legion. Not the slaves who fought alongside Angron, just the rest of the slave population.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure on the timeline for the World Eaters colour change but in 'Know no Fear' it is commented that at least some Word Bearers had changed their colours by the time they arrived at Calth. Depending on the source this takes places just after Isstvan III but I've seen it debated as possibly as long as two years after and others place it within days/weeks of Istvan :)



spelling edited

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If I remember correctly, one of the more recent HH novels mention the World Eaters painting their armor red during the heresy, somewhere around Istvaan.



First OP - i belive any combo is okay, and heres why;, by the time of the battle of Skallathrax (M31) the colours and Bunny-Ears woudl have been Legion standard, as the various warbands still have them and therefore must have split after the shattering.


IIRC there was a description of the World Eaters at the seige of Terra as a "Sea of Red" next to there Primarch Angron (IIRC Sanguiness and Angron shared a glare and and non-verbal conversation), while waiting to storm teh Palace walls.If this is correct (and i think it was either a 2nd ed peice or one of the cards from teh Horus Heresy board game i cannot recall) then the legion woudl have changed there appearance in Angrons knowledge as a Legion while still en route to Terra and after the Drop Site Massacres of Istvaan III - which have clear depictions of loyalist WE fighting traitors in there blue and white colours.Also, there woudl have been no way to change there outfits between the landing and the betrayal without the loyalists thinking soomething was up.


Phew - so id say teh WE adopted teh Bunny Ears (mark of Khorne) and red colouring sometime between the battle of Istvaan III and the battle of Istvaan V or the seige of Terra.Most probably the legion wide change over occured en-route to the seige of Terra but after IStvaan V, even though at least some of the troops would have started, with the story of the red being unwashed blood signifying perhaps teh slaughter of there brethren in a sacrifice to Khorne.


OP - I also believe there are no depictions of Bezerkers until teh seige of Terra, perhaps the costume change started within the Bezerker Cult.I love bezerkers.


And so i leave you with 2 thoughts for the day;

"The fastest way to a mans heart is WITH A CHAINAXE!!"


"There is no problem that cant be solved without the liberal application of chain-axe to face" - the wonderful Lady Cannonness.

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Lorgar of the Word Bearers had been cooped up in his personal quarters for months after the Emperor sent the Ultramarines led by Roboute Guilliman to destroy Calth's capitol city. After an incredibily humiliating defeat in witnessed by literally thousands of his own Legion the Urizen secluded himself. During this time he wrote a book to replace the Lecticio Divininatus. This new book was the Book of Lorgar. When Lorgar finally left his self-imposed seclusion he was a changed man. A portion of marines from the Legion were selected and led by Kor Phaeron as a sort of warrior elite. The exact fluffacts elude me at the moment as it has been some time since I read First Heretic. I forget what the unit was called within the Legion but they repainted their armor to the red the Word Bearers now wear while the rest of the legion wore the granite grey. I think there was one more battle where the Word Bearers weeded out those not strong enough to uphold the new chaos faith.
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I always pictured Angron with twin chainaxes... but that conversion is supra sweet!!

He has been known to use either paired chainaxes (Gorefather and Gorechild), or the two-handed chainglaive you see here. I forget which books each one is mentioned in, but I can definitely remember seeing them mentioned.

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  • 1 month later...
I always pictured Angron with twin chainaxes... but that conversion is supra sweet!!

He has been known to use either paired chainaxes (Gorefather and Gorechild), or the two-handed chainglaive you see here. I forget which books each one is mentioned in, but I can definitely remember seeing them mentioned.


In "Butchers Nails" Angron and Logar go to town on some dark eldar during the heresy, there's a pretty fair description of Angron wielding Gore child and Gorefather

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