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Pre/Mid Heresy World Eaters


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I always pictured Angron with twin chainaxes... but that conversion is supra sweet!!

He has been known to use either paired chainaxes (Gorefather and Gorechild), or the two-handed chainglaive you see here. I forget which books each one is mentioned in, but I can definitely remember seeing them mentioned.


In "Butchers Nails" Angron and Logar go to town on some dark eldar during the heresy, there's a pretty fair description of Angron wielding Gore child and Gorefather



His chainglaive is dirst mentioned in false gods and its terrifying size is hard to believe, apparently.

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They never repainted their armor. It is still blue and white underneath all of that dried blood from a million poor souls ;)

Exactly! Do you really think someone that kills for fun is going to bother to paint his armor red? no unless it means jumping into a giant tub of blood and soaking for a few days, which is also unlikely considering they are hyper active killing machines. So, th red is actually dried blood of anything they can hack/stab/bash/punch. The color is not important, all that is important is that whatever in front of them is hemorrhaging profusely and there is a skull to take. Paint up your bad boys blue and white. Then take a tooth brush and spray them with a lot of red. Works like a charm. B)

Example of mine: (not to heavy on the blood as mine are Loyalists but you get the idea)


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Holy awesomesauce!


Words cannot express the feelings that this mini evokes. He for sale? ;)


I swear to god I can hear "Serpents of the Light" being broadcast through the air when I look at this pic.

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If you're looking to model post heresy Angron then the plastic daemon prince kit probably won't be enough, in the Emperor's Gift it says that Angron, as a daemon prince, was almost the same size as a warhound titan and his sword could cut through entire Grey Knight squads with each sweep.
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Yeah, Angron needs to be BIG! Here's one that I had commissioned a while ago, he is just slightly smaller than the FW bloodthirster! Still haven't had time to paint it though!



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