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Greetings from the frozen north


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I am technically an adult (only a couple of years left to 30) hailing from north of the arctic circle, northern part of Norway. Always been into mostly anything geeky and have always had a huge fascination for 40k. Never really got into playing actual 40k, but I have a few other 40k related games that I love.


My number one favorite is: Space Hulk. Started with second edition, later got a hold of first edition and purchased third edition when it came out. I love third edition and it is the one I always refer to when I want to play Space Hulk.


Other games: Horus Heresy board game by Fantasy Flight Games, Death Angel card game by same publisher. Deathwatch role playing game, again FFG. Currently own all released books for Deathwatch and intend to purchase them as they come out.


Non 40k games worth mentioning: DnD 3.0, never upgraded to 3.5 however I've been looking into Pathfinder lately and been considering acquiring those books.


Never been a particularly social creature so I've mostly stuck with playing with my one friend, and family. Have yet to play DW since I am running a DnD 3.0 for my sister and I am also looking to get a color laser printer to print out errata and character sheets for DW in good quality. I own and have played all the DoW computer games, and both Space Hulk computer games as well. Also, books! I love 40k books, or should I say, Astartes related books.


However, growing up (somewhat) I have found myself getting more interested in possibly running Deathwatch (or Pathfinder when I get that far) for a larger group of people. My city is not exactly particularly large so I don't know the chances of gathering a group, but having three or four others to run a game for is something I'm thinking of attempting to pull together in the near/far future. Would not be averse to anyone interested in playing any of the ones I have in my area, or of course simply finding other like minded individuals in order to play games of this sort. I am not a very competitive person, I am a fan of adhering to the rules, but I also play for fun. I am not the kind of person that thinks an unlucky roll should end a campaign.


I love fluff. Seriously, one of the things I love the most about reading DW rulebooks is all the fluff.


Burn the heretic

Kill the mutant

Purge the unclean

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Many thanks for the welcome brothers. I have already found some good resources here, the Deathwing missions for Space Hulk 3rd edition were quite the welcome surprise.


I shall look around and do my best to participate whenever I have something to contribute.

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