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Vallejo Paints - Pleasantly surprised


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Ive recently started buying Vallejo paints instead of citadel and I must say I am very impressed. Not only does the dropper bottle make things so much easier but the paint quality is superb compared to citadel.


The only problem I find is the funny smell of vallejo pains. Anyone else noticed this?

I've been using some of the vallejo metallics on my Executioners, having a metallic blue straight out of the pot is pretty awesome. The coverage does seem a bit worse than the GW metallics though, takes a lot more effort to get a smooth coat. Can't say I've noticed any sort of smell...
I did hear once upon a time that the early Citadel paints were done by the same people who do Vallejo, but I can't be sure of that.


No the early Citadel range is was/is produced by HMG and is now sold as Coat d'Arms. Vallejo allegedly created the Game Colour range to be the next Citadel Colour range and when GW backed out decided to release it anyway.

I just started switching as I run out of colours as well and am quite pleased as well. Also I'm glad to hear you say that about the smell since I thought the same thing. It took me a bit to realize it was the paint though. It didn't quite click that there was a new smell in the room, and that I had just poured out a new paint....
I'm thinking of switching over to Vallejo paints but I always have great difficulty in actult finding the full colour range to look at and possibly buy, as I wish to have the Vallejo equivalent to regal blue (as it's going out of production) aswell as shadow grey, along with possibly a good yellow for a commission I've for coming up.

Metallic paints from GW are still very nice. :devil:


I have never thought GW's paints were poor, in fact I think they are good. It was more the cost per volume that was the ugly thing. I have GW paints but am grabbing P3 and Vallejos as the need and want comes along. For me, what makes P3 better than GW's is pretty much that they give an extra 50% for the same price. And their pots don't have the drying out problem that GW has.


Something that P3 does very well is Morrow White. Much whiter than Skull White.


But GW's metallics and washes [which will never replace inks] are very useful products. ;)

I recently made the switch over to Vallejo paint as well. OK, I didn't make a full switch, that would just be insane to just not use my entire GW paint set, but I love the Vallejo model air range. Just drop it in my airbrush and I'm good to go. Makes painting white over black much, much easier.


But my one problem so far, painting over that white is not easy. It comes out very smooth and glossy, and my GW paint doesn't like the idea of sticking to it without leaving a ton of streaks. Have to paint a certain spot about five times in order for the paint to look less screwed up.


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