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ok so i've got all the models i'll be buying any time soon, and i can't decide 2 5 man assault squads or 1 10 man assault squad with 2 special weapon of some sort?


i've got a battleforce box plus one assault squad box, and a captain so i could have 4 troop choices (2 AS, 1 tac, 1 DC) or 3 (1 big AS, 1 tac, 1 DC)

The mathhammer says that against MEQ, the sergeant (with a ccw upgrade) is a better value (wound caused/point) than a regular RAS marine. This being the case, you should prefer 5 man to 10 man so you get more of the better point value.


There is also question of use. If you know your unit is going to soak up a lot of fire you might lean towards the 10. Same thing if you are looking for synergy between the unit and an HQ like a chaplain or a librarian.


Personally, I use the difference in point values between two 5s and one 10 to eat up (or create) the last few points I need for my army.

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These are the disadvantages to five model squads and transports:


1). It's far, far easier to break a five model unit. Two models destroyed, Morale Checks. The Red Thirst mitigates this if you get it.


2). When the final list is finished, multiple five model squads are more expensive then 10 model squads. Yes, you will have more P-fists and Meltaguns, but you pay for them.


3). You have to pay for more transports- but this is a wash if we compare tactical squads vs. assault squads.


4). Kill Points. A ten model squad with a transport is worth 2 KP. Two five model squads with transports are worth 4 KP.


5). The staying power of five models vs. ten models in close combat is way, way less. They typically fight 2, maybe 3 rounds before they are wiped out or broken.


There is a tipping point below 2000 points with five model squads and Razorbacks. It's four squads. More than that is overkill (or redundancy depending on how you look at it). Less, and it's not nearly as effective. Above 2K points, it requires more of these squads, but it also becomes easier for your opponent to deal with them due to more anti-tank choices. It's the main reason why Razorback Spam is so effective in the 1500-2000 point range. Not to mention BA Razorbacks are fast tanks. Being able to move 12" and shoot a heavy weapon... wow.


Assault Squads with jump packs in a DOA list- I use one to two five model units. the DoA rules make these guys much more reliable for when and where they will come in. I try to use them as late game objectives grabbers, or "throw away" units to tie something up in combat, or hunt down an annoying tank or model.


My preference is big squads, so I can Combat Squad them if I need to for objective grabbing. Or give up less Kill Points.

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From a collector point of view, I'm doing one 10 man squad of dedicated assault marines, 4 10 man squads of removable JP assault marines, one 10 man tactical, 5 sniper scouts, and 5 regular scouts...


This way you have everything you'll ever need....oh sorry 10 man removable JP DC...

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I turned all models of my battle force into assault marines/DC using some extra bits I had lying around. 5 Assault marines on foot 10 jump pack assault marines 5 DC on foot. No tacticals in my army :D. As for special weapons both sergeants had power fist, the DC had hammer + fist and special weapons was all melta.
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