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Angels Sanguine Relic Contemptor


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Hello all: Here are some initial pics of an Angel Sanguine, relic contemptor. I'm looking to do a weapon swap between the assault arms & a conversion beamer (to start with anyway).


Here's where I stand with the base & how the model will be incorporated.






The legs aren't set yet. I'm still playing around with the pose.


More soon. Cheers, -OMG

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Hows the kit, OMG?

From a pose-ability standpoint the kit is excellent. Joints are rounded off to offer multiple dimension of motion & a good number of separate bits to work with, e.g. shoulder & knee pads, etc. Unfortunately, mine was fairly typical for FW models when it comes to warpage & flash. There were two large blobs of resin in of of the wrist joints & under the chest piece. Both required a lot of digging to gouge out before other bits could fit seamlessly. That was a real pain. Otherwise, the sculpt speaks for itself. I like the entire line of these dreads.


That base calls out for bloodsplatter under the right foot. Looking forward to see more.

...as I intended with the green stuff. As it seems to be the case with me, the base will be almost more fun to paint than the model itself. BTW: Do Orks bleed red or green? Or purple for that matter?


Thanks for the comments gents. Cheers, -OMG

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Do Orks bleed red or green? Or purple for that matter?


Whatever colour you so choose! I think for the most part red is a safe colour to go with and for others, the most recognisable as blood (i always associate green with acid - blame cartoons) but if you feel orks should bleed purple, green, pink or gold then go with it, its your model!!

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Really good to see an update from you mate. Your army inspired me to collect Angels Sanguine, so cheers :P


Do Orks bleed red or green? Or purple for that matter?


According to a very old White Dwarf they are confirmed as having red blood. Their green colouring is due to the chlorophyll in their skin.

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Orks used to have green blood, before third edition and then that was retconned so that they have red blood. The reason why? It's easier to paint and easier to recognise as blood (that's the story I got from a staffer all those years ago).


Anyway, liking the base OMG. Is that ork converted or is he already posed that way?

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Olisredan got it right! Orks used to have green blood but due to lack of contrast with their skin it was changed to red. It's just funny with all the green paint on my Gorkamorka vehicles' dozer blades that they look so wrong :)


Fantastic work on the base, can't wait to see the rest! I do have a thing for Angels Sanguine so it's of special interest for me! Good luck!

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My only criticism is the ork doesn't look right to me. He's missing two body parts, but the rest of the body looks like its taking a nap. I'm sure you'll do more on the base yet, but the body pose doesn't jibe with the violence required to move a head and hand.


I'm sure it will look great based on your previous work and the model's innate aesthetic.



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Anyway, liking the base OMG. Is that ork converted or is he already posed that way?

The torso & legs are from the stormboyz kit. The arms are as well but just have the weapons removed.


And it seems like the consensus is - Orks bleed red. Check.


Expect some gory details presently. Cheers, -OMG

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Here's a quick update but still very much WiP. There's a lot of detail work still left all around.


Welp, Time to throw away my paint brushes and burn all my paints. I really can't see where there is room for detail.


I really liked the scrimshaw, or whatever it's called, on the broken stone mosaic.

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Welp, Time to throw away my paint brushes and burn all my paints.

;) Don't do it!


I really can't see where there is room for detail.

Funny how you say that and all I can see are the missing areas staring at me. Highlights on the grey tube bits of the ork suit, how crappy the left hand looks, the marine helmet stuff, how the metal chips on the skulls don't look right, etc., etc., etc.


I really liked the scrimshaw, or whatever it's called, on the broken stone mosaic.

It's just resin. You can buy those bases here: Scibor's online store


Thanks for the comments brothers. Cheers, -OMG

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  • 2 weeks later...







Just a quick update. Cheers, -OMG

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Loking very good so far. Your army really sets the standard for Angels Sanguine! Do you have a specific blog anywhere? ATM your stuff seems spread over a lot of threads, and it'd be great to see it all in one place to browse for inspiration (a.k.a. pinching ideas :) )
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Your army really sets the standard for Angels Sanguine!


This! ^^^


Your work really inspires me to get a squad of Angels Sanguine done, just to get started! Your Relic Contemptor looks fantastic so far! (and I'm sure it will stay like that to the end! :)) Amazing base btw!



EDIT: WAIT A MINUTE! Is this a Consecrator helmet there? I sure hope you paint 150 dead orks and somehow add them to the base just to make it realistic! ;) :P

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...is that a tac helm at the back im seeing?

That it is. I know that showing casualties from your own army a bit self deprecating but it would be stranger to find some other chapter's helmet on the same battlefield.


Do you have a specific blog anywhere?

Well, yes I do but I haven't updated it in a long time. The link is in my sig but here is it again: OwlandMoonBlog


EDIT: WAIT A MINUTE! Is this a Consecrator helmet there?

No, Angels Sanguine but yes, 150 dead green skins would be insufficient to portray the carnage adequately. :lol:


Cheers gents, -OMG

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  • 2 weeks later...







Quick update. Sorry there's not more but time is the enemy of my hobby.


Cheers, -OMG

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