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Salutations all!


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Salutations revered members of Bolter & Chainsword!


Long-time lurker here, finally deciding to join the ranks of the member class ^^. I registered here and on Warseer today, and hope to be of some use to both by contributing answers to fluff questions and the like. As I said over there, I'm decently read (though I know there's tons more for me to read). Here's a list of what I've devoured thus far and added to my memory bank:


Lord of the Night, Brothers of the Snake, Let The Galaxy Burn, Storm of Iron, Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames, Fulgrim, A Thousand Sons, Prospero Burns, Chapter War, Space Wolf, Ragnar's Claw, Grey Hunter, Nightbringer, Path of the Warrior, Path of the Seer, Blood Gorgons and have also listened to every audio-drama Black Library has made up to date.


For WHFB I've read Skavenslayer, Daemonslayer, Dragonslayer, Beastslayer, Vampireslayer and Giantslayer, but also Oathbreaker, The Daemon's Curse and Bloodstorm.


My all-time favourites from that list are probably Lord of Night, Prospero Burns, the Space Wolf Sagas, and of course the Gotrek & Felix series. Pretty much anything written by Bill King :3


Army wise I own roughly 3,500 points of High Elves (which I collected during the height of 6th edition), and I'm interested in starting WH40K Space Marines - and possibly Dark Eldar (though I would have to come up with some fairly elaborate fluff to make them fit my fastidious nature x3).


IRL I'm an English Major at the University of Texas and my goal in life is to one day become a published Sci-Fi/Fantasy author.

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