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Robe advice?


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Reworking my way through a thick line of marines I find myself stumped on robe color. Im working on Angels of Redemption marines...so yes, Dark Angels colorings split the figures. Looking at the codex colorings we see the Dark Angels with bone colored robes and Guardians of the Covenant with red robes. The tabbard shot of Angels of Absolution could justify an argument for that chapter having green robes....but what of the Angels of Redemption and other successors?


I have seen darker brown robes for the AoR...and while this doesnt look too bad, I have also seen black... any other suggestions?

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I use a very "dirty" bone, using several shades darker than I normally paint the bone color. I start with Khemri Brown as a basecoat, then build up with Kommando Khaki and then bleached bone as a last highlight. I use Devlan Mud to wash the robes and produce a shade. It gives a nice enough contrast to the bone armor, which I do Bleached Bone as a basecoat, with a 1:1 mix of Bleached Bone and White as a layer, and pure White as a highlight.
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The old Mike McVey diorama with Azrael featured him wearing dark Purple robes. (Can be found under Gallery>Mike McVey on their site) His gallery also has another version of Azrael with dark brown robes.


I'd probably go for either black or purple robes. Red or brown would look good as well, I think.

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