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couple of quick Qs


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hi all, i have a couple of questions that came up that i had no answer for.


firstly khans hit and run, is it taken by khans initiative or that of the unit, the hit and run rules state unit, but an Ic is also considered a unit and its his rule not the units per se.

the majority initiative covers sweeping advance but there is no mention of majority as per hit and run.

(im pretty sure its the units but i couldnt come up with RAW to support my stance)


secondly eldar pyschic power doom, doesnt require LOS to cast, however can they do so from within a transport with no firing points?

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1. The rule states that he and his unit have Hit and Run. The Hit and Run rules state you take an Initiative test. The only place I've been able to find what to do in a situation with mixed values is in close combat Sweeping Advances; you use the majority characteristic, which would be the squad's, not Khan's. But without a definitive rule set anywhere, that's all I got.


2. Yep, just like any other power/ability being used from within a transport that doesn't require LOS.

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thanks seahawk, the hit and run is a toughy, i guess it comes down to interpretation.. as i use khan i would always use the lower initiative of the squad for fairness.

This was the generally accepted answer with Dante as well.

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