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Did GW raise there prices in the last 24hrs?


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I was just on the GW site looking up random chaos stuff and saw that Finecast Raptors ($45.00 US yesterday) are now $72 dollars?!?! I bought my daemon prince about 6 months ago for 33 bucks and now a new one is worth 55 dollars! This had better be a major glitch or im gona have to stop this hobby... Do any of you know whats going on?
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I just looked, and they seem to still be $45 (which is still too damned expensive)


I guess it could be my internet but dont think it would do that... Thats good to know. A land raider and defiler for 110 dollars a piece? I would have to stop this hobby if they really were that expensive!

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Haha, yeah, thats Australian dude. I always shed a tear whenever I see an American complain about the gw's prices. I would kill to get raptors for 40 bucks (or buy them online ;) ) Same goes for FW. If they made any full Chaos models I'd only buy them, the prices are exactly the same as gw. Who knows, maybe some day we'll launch our own Horus Heresy, cast down the false head of GW, and relect our own Horus, one who will support your hobby needs!! ;)
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Haha, yeah, thats Australian dude. I always shed a tear whenever I see an American complain about the gw's prices. I would kill to get raptors for 40 bucks (or buy them online ;) ) Same goes for FW. If they made any full Chaos models I'd only buy them, the prices are exactly the same as gw. Who knows, maybe some day we'll launch our own Horus Heresy, cast down the false head of GW, and relect our own Horus, one who will support your hobby needs!! :huh:

"And so, the seeds of treachery were sown that day."

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Yea, you simply selected the Australian website instead of American. On the American site it's still $45 for the Raptors, while on the Aussie site it's $72. Since both countries use the "$" symbol, it can be easy to confuse the two with no other markers. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page on the right and select the correct country instead.
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My daughter must have pushed something then. Thats BS that you guys have to pay out the a$$ for minitures like that. 110 for a defiler? I dont know the currency exchange rate but damn. Get a buddy back in the states to mail it to you.
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Really, no need to thank us here in Australia, kepping GW afloat post(?) GFC, subsadising other nations cheap GW product with no benifit to ourselves, except fof the "privilege " and "convienence" of having GW stores in shopping centeres/ prime shop space. :cuss :D :D
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I would blame it on the real-life hellbeast that is the Platypus. Think about it... part beaver, part duck, and possesses venomous claws.


The Gods bless us with many boons and mutations Down Under

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