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New (Unnamed) Chapter


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I thought I'd share a tactical marine I finished today for a new chapter, which I haven't got a name for yet.


I've never painted with green or red before, so it's been quite fun to try something new!




C&C appreciated, as well as any suggestions for a chapter name, as I'll be carrying on with this colour scheme as a new army.




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Ohh, I like it. It's hard to do green and red without getting a Christmas Marine, but dulling them down and adding damage seemed to make it work quite well.


As for a name, well, not much to go on yet. Themes, backstory, fluff, and identity are something I always regard as important for actually liking your army, beyond just a cool color scheme. Now, if you've got some of these already thought out or in mind, i.e. they come from X sort of culture, have Y sort of disposition, or Z sort of lineage, I can throw you some suggestions.

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Thanks for the comments, guys.


As for a name, well, not much to go on yet. Themes, backstory, fluff, and identity are something I always regard as important for actually liking your army, beyond just a cool color scheme. Now, if you've got some of these already thought out or in mind, i.e. they come from X sort of culture, have Y sort of disposition, or Z sort of lineage, I can throw you some suggestions.

Well thus far I've decided on them being a Dark Angels successor chapter, and would like to incorporate certain elements of the Dark Angels aesthetic; such as the image of the sword for example, or even just adding 'Angels of...' to the chapter name. But as far as a defining overall chapter characteristic, I haven't got a clue!


Have you considered freehand on a kneepad? Either roman numerals for squad insignia or a checkered pattern to perhaps break up the green.

That's a pretty decent idea, thanks :huh: Once I have an idea of what chapter symbol I'll use, I can paint that on and do the knee at the same time, probably with a squad identifier.

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Thanks for all the input!


Any ideas for a chapter symbol or any background beyond being a DA successor?

I've been playing with ideas for a chapter symbol, and the image of a sword is probably something I'll stick with, though I don't have any full ideas for a full design, and I have no other ideas regarding fluff either... Though I will add that long-range is a direction with this army, with limited close-combat specialisation.


How about something like a single wing + blood drop that you see on some BA stuff, but replace the blood drop with a sword?


Super easy to achieve (and more importantly, to replicate....)

Thanks for the suggestion Ah-a-nothepsis. I'm not too worried about replicating an exact copy each time; I enjoy the look of each marine having his symbology in different configurations to give a bit more diversity within squads.


One a side note, below is another marine I finished yesterday:





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There's a 'trick' I do with my BT's iconography that might help you. Since painting a cross dozens of times will produce maybe just 2 or 3 which are actually close to one another, I decided to go wild and make each one more or less customized.


So, if you choose something simple as the Chapter's symbol (i.e., a Sword pointing down) you can change it up every time without breaking the coherency of the army. So, one could have a big sword on his pauldron with two small ones flanking either side, one guy could have the sword with wings to one or both sides, one guy could have a sword over a circle, etc. etc.


As for naming the chapter, since it's Dark Angels, I'd hop over to thesaurus.com, plug in a few key DA words (penance, revenge, hunt, fallen), find your favorite results, and just plug it into the usual name-formula like Octavulg noted.

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Wow, awesome sauce! Great colour combo that you have working really well. I like the battered look to everything.


And no, not all DA Successors need to be 'Angels of [something]', if it makes it easier naming them !!




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I've been playing with ideas for a chapter symbol, and the image of a sword is probably something I'll stick with, though I don't have any full ideas for a full design, and I have no other ideas regarding fluff either... Though I will add that long-range is a direction with this army, with limited close-combat specialisation.


Perhaps they consider the Fallen too unclean and dishonorable to engage hand-to-hand, and so prefer to annihilate enemies from afar?


You could get Angels of Annihilation, or Angels of Purification, or something like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally have another member for the squad finished.


I've been really busy lately with Uni work, so progress has been slow! Should have a bit more time on my hands now though...






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Which set is that 'open top' helmet from?

The helmet is actually a metal piece from the Iron Hands tactical box. I bought one years and years ago, and found a few bits from it lying about in my bits box; thought I may as well put it to use!


A note, DA and their successors tend to use a double sided horizontal arrow for tactical squads. Looks like: <->


Of course, as it's your DIY, they can use any symbol they want. :)

Ah I did not know this. Well the beaky marine has one of those style arrows, but my overall intention was to have both squad designator symbols and chapter symbols a bit 'mix and match' - that way there can be no discrepancy in my freehand painting if none of the symbols look remotely similar!

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Ah I did not know this. Well the beaky marine has one of those style arrows, but my overall intention was to have both squad designator symbols and chapter symbols a bit 'mix and match' - that way there can be no discrepancy in my freehand painting if none of the symbols look remotely similar!

Oops, I missed that. And sounds like a plan! ;)

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