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Abbaddon and a 'zerker


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So if my friend's Yabbaddabbaddon is fighting in CC and a single friendly 'zerker assaults into combat, when the enemy flees, can the World Eater chase down the enemy?


I am under the impression that he can, because the other fella in terminator armor counts as a seperate unit in CC (and also because he was no where near the 'zerker in the Chaos movement phase in the first place).


I told the two boys playing that the sweeping advance could be executed, so long as it was the berzerker's initiative that was used instead of abbaddon's. Did I steer them wrong?



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If Abbadon was joined to the unit, the unit can not sweeping advance.


If the two were not within 2 inches of each other at the end of the movement phase, they are not a single unit and the zerker could sweep.

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James has it backwards there.


If Abaddon was joined to the unit, he would have fled too, allowing them to Sweeping Advance. If he's a separate unit, he's Fearless and can't flee, thus they cannot Sweeping Advance.


It's all on page 41: "Remember that winning units can only sweeping advance if all of the units they were locked with fall back or are wiped out in the fight."


Basically, the unit types, number of models, or any other factors do not matter. All that matters is if all units fell back or were destroyed.




That's if it was a Chaos vs Chaos fight...your example doesn't make it clear which side the Berzerker was on ;).


Otherwise, it's as James says: since they were never joined (can't join while in assault), the Berzerker is free to Sweeping Advance while Abaddon just plods along.

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James has it backwards there.


If Abaddon was joined to the unit, he would have fled too, allowing them to Sweeping Advance. If he's a separate unit, he's Fearless and can't flee, thus they cannot Sweeping Advance.


It's all on page 41: "Remember that winning units can only sweeping advance if all of the units they were locked with fall back or are wiped out in the fight."


Basically, the unit types, number of models, or any other factors do not matter. All that matters is if all units fell back or were destroyed.




That's if it was a Chaos vs Chaos fight...your example doesn't make it clear which side the Berzerker was on ;).


Otherwise, it's as James says: since they were never joined (can't join while in assault), the Berzerker is free to Sweeping Advance while Abaddon just plods along.

Seahawk, my impression was the zerker/Abbadon side won the combat and wanted to sweep the losers.

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