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How do I paint this?


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Hi all,

I would like to copy (or shamelessly pinch, your call) the following design on my Flesh Tearers' vehicles, specifically up-sizing it to fit a Land Raider hull.

Now, ARNE was the talented gentleman who did this and I did remember to save a picture of his Razorback scheme before my jaw hit the floor. Here it is:



Now then, the snag is that drawing anything, never mind trying to freehand stuff is next to impossible for me due to many reasons - so can anyone think of an easy template or somesuch I can use to produce this?

Thanks in advance.

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Go to your local hardware/DIY store. Find the saw blades. Find one you like, put a piece of paper under it and trace it carefully.


Use that tracing to transfer and cut out a couple stencils in card or thick paper. Use those as a trace stencil to mark your model (or simply use it as an airbrush or spray stencil).

You are all making things needlessly complicated, I'd say … why make a paper template when you could just hold the saw up to the model and either pencil or spray along its edge?


Also, when I first looked at the images above, I suffered from this effect:




That is, I saw the red parts, probably because they take up more of the vehicle, and didn't notice that the black bits make a circular saw pattern until I looked at the side picture, where the black is more prominent.

The only place on a rhino you can use a flat template is the top. Over the exhausts, it won't work. You're best off carefully dotting it out with a pencil by hand I'm afraid, based on a reference shot like the one in the OP. Take yourt time and be careful measuring to make sure it's symmetrical down the centreline of the rhino. A short ruler and a small set square are what you need.


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